
英 [ˈəʊdəz]
n.  (尤指难闻的)气味; 臭味

    in AM, use 美国英语用 odor

  1. See also: The whole herb has a characteristic taste and odour... The taste is only slightly bitter, and there is little odour. body odour
  1. It changes odours in ways the mice can detect ( with mice, the odours are in the urine), and that detection is translated into preferences for particular mates.
  2. Not only were women better smellers than men, but male odours were harder to block than female odours.
  3. Of course I did not know what it was all about, but I enjoyed the pleasant odours that filled the house and the tidbits that were given to Martha Washington and me to keep us quiet.
  4. 'Even though it has been argued that bad scents invoke negative judgments, we argued and demonstrated that a bad body odour elicits feelings of pity in others.'This can include underarm sweat, smelly feet, bad breath or other foul-smelling odours.
  5. Odours of orange-flowers and spice
  6. Delicious odours were wafted towards the girl from the neighbouring cottages.
  7. Such odours repel rather than invite.
  8. Odours, when sweet violets sicken.
  9. Another possible cause is that many women experience a heightened sense of taste and smell while pregnant, which can make nausea feel worse when unpleasant or strong odours are around.
  10. So, a certain combination of cells can tell a mouse that it is smelling vanilla, apples, fish, or any one of the thousands of other odours.
  11. This is because odours are suppressed in a fair, haigh pressure center.
  12. Judy: Well, if we are on the subject of covering odours please can you put on some strong aftershave, you know how embarrassing you are with your stink.
  13. Are there unpleasant odours indoors?
  14. The toilets which we had used, whether in cafes or the public toilets by the road, were all extraordinarily clean and free from odours.
  15. The turpentine has strong odours; the dried turnips will be tainted.
  16. Sensors will soon be able to "smell" and distinguish odours, enabling analysis of soil conditions or sanitation systems.
  17. He would not deny himself the pleasure of giving picturesque details of the odours which met his nostrils.
  18. Electroantennograms ( EAGs) were recorded from male adults of Melanoplus sanguinipes to foliage odours from plam species and9 volatile compounds as well as their blends.
  19. The place smelled of the oil of the machines and the new leather& a combination which, added to the stale odours of the building, was not pleasant even in cold weather.
  20. Warm touches of very ripe fruit, with highly concentrated odours ( pineapple, apricot) developing as the wine opens outhasPalate: Crisp, powerful and fruity impact.
  21. The researchers are now testing these theories further using foil sleeping bags to collect whole body odours from volunteers.
  22. Most excellent accomplished lady, the heavens rain odours on you!
  23. Those on the pill mostly chose genetically similar odours as the most attractive.
  24. The participants were asked to sniff a jar containing either one of the three odours or the scentless oil, and then press a button to indicate whether they thought the jar smelled of anything.
  25. We feel disgust for bad odours.
  26. Odours, when sweet violets sicken, live within the sense they quicken.
  27. It is just the eye and visible objects, the ear and sounds, the nose and odours, the tongue and tastes, the body and touch objects, the mind and mental objects.
  28. The team based in two Chinese factories and a plant in Sri Lanka works in areas such as new knitting, printing and dyeing techniques, as well as the development of novel fabric that absorbs odours for use in clothing in hot climates.
  29. First, they have pronounced, characteristic odours which are important in determining the flavour and odour of certain dairy products, especially cheeses.