
你是在查找 AOD 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 AOD 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 AOD 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 AOD的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
AOD Art of Dreaming (book by Carlos Castaneda) 梦想的艺术(卡洛斯·卡斯塔内达著)
AOD Aviation Officer of the Day 年度航空官员
AOD Alleged Onset of Disability 据称残疾
AOD Advance Ordnance Detachment 先遣军械支队
AOD Applications on Demand (IBM) 按需应用程序(IBM)
aod airway obstructive disease 气道阻塞性疾病
AOD Arterial Occlusive Disease 动脉闭塞性疾病
AOD American Oxford Dictionary 美国牛津词典
AOD on-line diagnostic (US DoD) 在线诊断(美国国防部)
AOD Art of Drowning (AFI album) 溺水艺术(AFI专辑)
AOD Advanced Optical Disc (blue laser based storage technology) 高级光盘(基于蓝色激光的存储技术)
AOD Air Operated Diaphragm (used as elastomer or pump) 气动隔膜(用作弹性体或泵)
AOD Accounting of Disclosures (HIPAA requirement) 披露会计(HIPAA要求)
AOD Alt Om Data (Danish computer magazine) Alt-Om Data(丹麦计算机杂志)
AOD Area-Oriented Depot (or Distribution) 面向区域的车辆段(或配送)
AOD Arteriosclerotic Occlusive Disease 动脉硬化闭塞性疾病
AOD Administrative Operations Division 行政业务部
AOD Anticipatory Obligation Directive 预期义务指令
AOD Airspace Operations Demonstration 空域作战演示
AOD Adult Organizational Development 成人组织发展
AOD Alcohol and Other Drug problems 酒精和其他毒品问题
AOD Art of Defence (strategy games) 防御艺术(战略游戏)
AOD Air Operations Directive (USAF) 空中作战指令(USAF)
AOD Atlanto-Occipital Dislocation 寰枕脱位
AOD Architecture Overview Diagram 体系结构概述图
AOD ADEOS-II Operational Document ADEOS-II操作文件
AOD Associated Owners & Developers 业主、开发商的关联
aod arterial oxygen desaturation 动脉氧饱和度
AOD Argon Oxygen Decarbonization 氩氧脱碳
AOD Admitting Officer of the Day 当天的准入官员
AOD Activity Operations Director 活动运营总监
AoD Anime on DVD (Anime web site) DVD动画(动画网站)
AOD argon-oxygen decarburization 氩氧脱碳
aod aortic diastolic pressure 主动脉舒张压
AOD Assign Online Diagnostics 分配在线诊断
AOD Assassins Of Darkness 黑暗刺客
AOD Aerosol Optical Depth 气溶胶光学深度
AOD Administrator on Duty 值班管理员
AOD Army Ordnance Department 【美】陆军军械部
AOD Active Optical Device 有源光器件
aod auriculo-osteodysplasia 耳骨发育不良
aod adult onset diabetes 成人糖尿病
aod adult onset diabetes 成人糖尿病
AOD Average Outage Duration 平均停机时间
AOD Area Officer of the Day 当天的地区官员
AOD Alcohol and Other Drugs 酒精和其他药物
AOD Action On Decision (IRS) 决策行动(IRS)
AOD Available on Demand 按需提供
AOD Automatic Overdrive 自动超速档
AOD Area Oriented Depot 面向区域的车辆段
AOD Archdiocese of Detroit 底特律总教区
AOD Air Officer of the Day 每日最佳航空官
AOD Acoustic-Optics Device 声光器件
AOD Assembly of Dust (band) 粉尘(带)装配
AOD Angel Of Disease (band) 疾病天使(乐队)
AOD Accept On Deviation 特采
AOD Area of Deployment 部署领域
AOD Angle of Departure 偏离角
AOD Adrenalin Od (band) 肾上腺素Od(波段)
AOD Articles On Demand 篇章随选
AOD Army of Darkness 黑暗军团
AOD Angels of Death 死亡天使
AOD Analyst on Duty 值班分析员
AOD Audio On Demand 数字音频点播系统, 在线音乐点播
AOD Age of Despair 绝望的时代
AOD Always on Duty 始终值班
AOD Assert Or Die 断言或死亡
AOD Alive or Dead 活着或死去
AOD As Of Date 截至日期
AOD Above Ordnance Datum (height relative to the average sea level at Newlyn, Cornwall UK) 高于军械基准面(相对于英国康沃尔郡纽林平均海平面的高度)
AOD Automatic Opening Device (activates a reserve parachute at a pre-determined altitude) 自动打开装置(在预定高度启动备用降落伞)

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