
你是在查找 CAPP 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 CAPP 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 CAPP 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 CAPP的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
CAPP College Access Planning Program (Mississippi) 大学入学规划计划(密西西比州)
CAPP Chemical Accident Prevention Program (Nevada) 化学事故预防计划(内华达州)
CAPP Cities Aggregation Power Project, Inc. (Texas) 城市聚合电力项目公司(德克萨斯州)
CAPP Clinical Appraisal of Psychosocial Problems 心理社会问题的临床评估
CAPP Cellular Automata for Percolation Processes 渗流过程的细胞自动机
CAPP Conference of Actuaries in Public Practice 公共执业精算师会议
CAPP Computer Acquisition And Placement Program 计算机采集和安置程序
CAPP Community Action for Popular Participation 公众参与社区行动
CAPP Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention 青少年怀孕预防中心
CAPP Children Are Priceless Passengers (Arizona) 儿童是无价的乘客(亚利桑那州)
CAPP Curriculum, Advising and Program Planning 课程、咨询和课程规划
CAPP Combat Ammunition Planning and Production 作战弹药规划与生产
CAPP Certified Administrator of Public Parking 公共停车场认证管理员
CAPP Child Anxiety and Phobia Program (Florida) 儿童焦虑和恐惧症项目(佛罗里达州)
CAPP Curriculum Advising And Program Planning 课程建议和课程规划
CAPP Caregivers and Professionals Partnership 护理人员和专业人员伙伴关系
CAPP Computer Assisted Physiological Profile 计算机辅助生理概况
CAPP Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions 化学事故预防规定
CAPP California Academic Partnership Program 加州学术合作计划
CAPP Content Addressable Parallel Processor 内容寻址并行处理器
CAPP Community Aviation Partnering Program 社区航空合作计划
CAPP Culture and Preservation Partnerships 文化和保护伙伴关系
CAPP Controlled Access Protection Profile 受控访问保护配置文件
CAPP California Amputee Pediatric Project 加利福尼亚州Amputee儿科项目
CAPP Calculation And Presentation Package 计算和演示包
CAPP Career And Personal Planning (course) 职业和个人规划(课程)
CAPP Clean Air Performance Professionals 清洁空气性能专家
CAPP Computer-Assisted Part Programming 计算机辅助零件编程
CAPP Computer Aided Production Planning 计算机辅助生产计划
CAPP Companion Animal Placement Program 陪伴动物安置计划
CAPP Certified Asset Protection Planner 注册资产保护规划师
CAPP Creepy Awesome Predacious Prelacy 可怕的可怕的贪婪的前奏曲
CAPP Computer- Aided Project Planning 计算机辅助项目规划
CAPP Community And Police Partnership 社区和警察伙伴关系
CAPP Community Action Plan For Phelps 菲尔普斯社区行动计划
CAPP Citizens Against Private Prisons 公民反对私人监狱
CAPP Child Assault Prevention Project 儿童袭击预防项目
CAPP Computer-Aided Project Planning 计算机辅助项目规划
CAPP Computer Aided Process Planning 计算机辅助工艺规划
CAPP Child Abuse Prevention Project 防止虐待儿童项目
CAPP Child Abuse Prevention Program 儿童虐待预防计划
CAPP Center for Asia-Pacific Policy 亚太政策中心
CAPP Career And Personal Planning 职业和个人规划
CAPP Civil Air Patrol Pamphlet 民航巡逻手册
CAPP Center for Applied Parallel Processing (University of Colorado at Boulder, Colorado) 应用并行处理中心(科罗拉多大学博尔德分校)
CAPP Computer-Aided Process Planning 计算机辅助工艺规划
CAPP Center for Accelerator and Particle Physics (Illinois Institute of Technology) 加速器和粒子物理中心(伊利诺伊理工学院)
CAPP Canadian Association of Pre-Retirement Planners 加拿大退休前规划师协会
CAPP Council Of Accountable Physician Practices 责任医师协会
CAPP Certified Appraiser of Personal Property (International Society of Appraisers) 个人财产注册估价师(国际估价师协会)
CAPP Cianbro Accident Prevention Process Cianbro事故预防流程
CAPP Centre for Attachment-Based Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 基于依恋的心理分析心理治疗中心
CAPP Committee for the Advancement of Professional Practice 专业实践促进委员会
CAPP Communication, Assessment, and Prioritization Program 沟通、评估和优先级计划
CAPP Content and Application Peering Protocol (Arrowpoint) 内容和应用程序对等协议(箭头)
CAPP Compliance Audit Program Plan 合规审计计划计划
CAPP Conference for the Advancement of Private Practice 促进私人执业会议
CAPP College Assistance Peer Program (Rice University) 大学互助同伴计划(莱斯大学)
CAPP Commonwealth Accounting Policies and Procedures 联邦会计政策和程序
CAPP Cargo Agents Protector Plus (insurance coverage) 货运代理Protector Plus(保险范围)
CAPP Comprehensive Arts Planning Program (Minnesota) 综合艺术规划计划(明尼苏达州)
CAPP Compliance Assurance and Pollution Prevention 合规保证和污染预防
CAPP Comcanadian Association Of Petroleum Producers 加拿大石油生产商协会
CAPP California Association of Peer Programs 加州同行计划协会
CAPP Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers 加拿大石油生产协会

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