
你是在查找 CIO 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 CIO 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 CIO 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 CIO的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
CIO Coordination Implementation And Operation 协调实施和运营
CIO Chief Investment Officer (corporate title) 首席投资官(公司职务)
CIO Chief Integrity Officer (corporate title) 首席诚信官(公司职务)
CIO Combat Intelligence Officer 作战情报官
CIO Chief Investigation Officer 首席调查官
CIO Contacts Interviews Orders 联系人面试订单
CIO Computer Integrated Office 计算机综合办公室
CIO Clever Information Officer 聪明的信息官
CIO Chief Intelligence Officer 首席情报官
CIO Chief Information Optimist 首席信息乐观主义者
CIO Chief Information Officers 首席信息官
CIO Center Information Officer 中心信息官
CIO Congress of Industrial Organizations (the prior half of the AFL-CIO, 1936-1955) 工业组织大会(1936-1955年,AFL-CIO前半期)
CIO Community Involvement and Outreach Office (Los Alamos National Laboratory) 社区参与和外联办公室(洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室)
CIO ComitÉ International Olympique (International Olympic Committee) ComitÉ International Olympique (International Olympic Committee)
CIO Credit Industriel de l Ouest (French: Western French Bank) Credit Industriel de l Ouest(法语:西法银行)
CIO Centre d\'Information et d\'Orientation (French) 'Information等。d 'Orientation中心d(法国)
CIO Commission Internationale d\'Optique (French) 委员会由d 'Optique(法国)
CIO Coordination, Implementation and Operation 协调、实施和运营
CIO Chief Information Officer (corporate title) 首席信息官(公司职务)
CIO Crying It Out (child care; parenting) 哭出来(育儿;育儿)
CIO Congress of Industrial Organizations 美国产业工会联合会
CIO CollÈge d\'Implantologie Orale CollÈge d'Implantologie Orale
CIO Continuous Improvement Opportunity 持续改进机会
CIO Conventional International Origin 传统国际原产地
CIO Council of Islamic Organizations 伊斯兰组织理事会
CIO Coordinating Information Officer 协调信息官
CIO Central Input/Output Multiplex 中央输入/输出转换器
CIO Corporate Information Officer 企业信息军官
CIO computer information officers 信息主管
CIO Corporate Information Office 公司信息办公室
CIO Central Intelligence Officer 中央情报官
CIO Chief Immigration Officer 首席移民官
CIO Canada Information Office 加拿大新闻办公室
CIO Chief Information Officer 首席信息官
CIO Cisco Information Online Cisco信息在线
CIO Chief Investment Officer 首席投资官
CIO Chief Innovation Officer 首席创新官
CIO Everybody I See I Owe 我看到的每个人我都欠
CIO Controller Input/Output 控制器输入/输出
CIO CIS Information On-Line 在线CIS信息
CIO City One, Hong Kong 香港第一城
CIO Command Issuing Office 司令部发放处
CIO Chief Internet Officer 首席互联网官
CIO Central Imperial Order 中央帝国秩序
CIO Central Imagery Office 中央成像处
CIO Chairman-In-Office 在任主席
CIO Communism Is Ok 共产主义没问题
CIO Career Is Over 职业生涯结束了
CIO Check It Out 过来看
CIO Cry It Out 哭出来吧
cio cut it out 算了

CIO是什么意思 CIO英文缩写大全 CIO英文全称 CIO中文意思