
你是在查找 COP 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 COP 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 COP 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 COP的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
COP Conference of Parties 成员国大会
COP Continuation Of Packet 分组的连续性
cop cytoxan(cyclophosphamide),oncovin(vincristin sulfate),prednisone 环磷酰胺(环磷酰胺)、溶瘤毒素(硫酸长春新碱)、强的松
COP Collective of Popular Organizations (Dominican Republic) 群众组织集体(多米尼加共和国)
COP Customer Oriented Process (ISO 9001:2000 procedures) 面向客户的过程(ISO 9001:2000程序)
COP College of Pharmacy (Xavier University of Louisiana) 药学院(路易斯安那州泽维尔大学)
COP Cryptogenic organic pneumonia 隐源性机化性肺炎
COP Coalition for Outsourcing and Privatization 外包和私有化联盟
COP Circle of Protection (Magic; The Gathering) 保护圈(魔法;聚会)
COP Conditions of Participation (health care) 参与条件(医疗)
CoP Carousel of Progress (Disney attraction) 进步旋转木马(迪士尼景点)
COP Commitment, Obligation and Procurement 承诺、义务和采购
COP Creating Opportunities Program (Sprint) 创造机会计划(Sprint)
COP Colegio de Obstetrices del PerÚ Colegio de Obstetrices del PerÚ
COP Conferencia de las Partes (French) Partes会议(法语)
COP Constrained Optimization Problem 约束优化问题
COP Citizen Observer Patrol (Florida) 公民观察员巡逻队(佛罗里达州)
COP Constraint Optimization Problem 约束优化问题
COP Configuration Overhaul Planning 配置大修计划
COP Coastal and Offshore Permafrost 沿海和近海永久冻土
COP Cost of Production (agriculture) 生产成本(农业)
COP Computer Operations Parameters 计算机操作参数
COP Christian Orthopaedic Partners Christian骨科合作伙伴
COP Continuity of Operations Plan 作战计划连续性
COP Computer Optimization Package 计算机优化包
COP Cholesterol Oxidation Product 胆固醇氧化产物
COP Crystal Originated Particles 晶体起源粒子
COP Consistent Operating Picture 一致的操作画面
COP Communication Output Printer 通信输出打印机
COP Combined Operations Planning 联合作战计划
COP Certificate of Participation 参与证书
COP ConocoPhillips (stock symbol) 康菲石油公司(股票符号)
COP Cessation of Production (oil) 停产(石油)
COP Carry Over Parts (automotive) 遗留零件(汽车)
COP Character Oriented Protocol 面向字符的协议
COP Current Operations Picture 当前操作图片
COP Community Outreach Program 社区外展计划
COP Common Operational Picture 通用作战图
COP Columbus Outdoors Pursuits 哥伦布户外探险
COP City of Prineville Railway Prineville市铁路
COP Change of Plea (court term) 诉状变更(法庭期限)
COP Conference Of The Parties 缔约方会议
COP Common Outage Probability 常见停机概率
COP Command Operating Program 指令作业方案
COP Conservator Of Petroleum 石油保管员
COP Conference of Presidents 主席会议
COP Company Of the Paraclete Paraclete公司
COP Common Operating Picture 常见操作画面
COP Common On-Chip Processor 通用片上处理器
COP Command Observation Post 指挥观察哨
COP Colloid Osmotic Pressure 胶体渗透压
COP Coda Optimistic Protocol Coda乐观协议
COP Close Observation Patrol 近距离观察巡逻
COP Common Operational Plan 共同运营计划
COP Children Of The Phoenix 凤凰城的孩子
COP Current Operating Plan 最近作战计划
COP Cargo oil pump (tanker) 货油泵(油轮)
COP Conformity of Product 产品符合性
COP Community of Practice 实践社区
COP Cash Operating Profit 现金营业利润
COP Concept of Operation 操作概念
COP Coefficient Of Power 功率系数
COP Co-Orbiting Platform 共轨平台
COP Christians On Patrol 基督徒巡逻
COP CONOCO Phillips, Inc. CONOCO Phillips公司。
COP Continuation Of Pay 继续支付
COP Community On Patrol 社区巡逻
COP Coalition Of Police 警察联盟
COP Canada Olympic Park 加拿大奥林匹克公园
COP Current Ops (US DoD) 当前行动(美国国防部)
COP Contempt Of Police 藐视警察罪
COP Clean Out of Place 清理不到位
COP Cost Only Payment 仅成本付款
COP Code of Procedure 程序代码
COP Citizen On Patrol 公民巡逻
COP Code of Practice 业务守则
COP Changeover Point 管制转换点
COP Cross Our Palms 交叉我们的手掌
COP Chief Of Police 警察局长
COP Combat Outpost 战斗前哨
COP Change Of Plan 计划变更
COP Cash On Pickup 提货时付现
COP Cost of Power 电力成本
COP Cut Off Post 切断柱
COP Co-Processor 协处理器
COP Copulative 共同的
COP Copyright 版权
COP Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia (aka bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia) 隐源性组织性肺炎(又名闭塞性细支气管炎组织性肺炎)
COP Child Occupancy Protection 儿童占用保护
COP Coefficient of Performance 性能系数
COP Committee of Principals 校长委员会
COP car operating panel 操作箱(电梯)
COP Cohenrent Optical Processor 相干光处理器
COP Certified Outsourcing Professional (International Association of Outsourcing Professionals) 认证外包专业人员(国际外包专业人员协会)
cop Character-Oriented Protocol 面向字符协议

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