
你是在查找 COPS 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 COPS 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 COPS 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 COPS的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
COPS Capitalization Organization Punctuation Spelling 大写组织标点拼写
COPS Community Outreach Programs And Services 社区外展计划和服务
COPS Commitment and Obligation Payment System 承诺和义务支付系统
COPS Coastal Ocean Prediction Systems Program 沿海海洋预测系统计划
COPS Community Oriented Policing Specialist 面向社区的警务专家
COPS Common Open Policy Service 通用开放策略服务
COPS Common Open Policy Server 公共开放策略服务器
COPS Capital letters, Overall appearance, Punctuation, Spelling (editing checklist) 大写字母、整体外观、标点符号、拼写(编辑检查表)
COPS Capitalization Organization Punctuation Spelling (proofreading mnemonic) 大写组织标点拼写(校对助记符)
COPS Crystal Operated Paint Sensor (paintball marker technology) 水晶操作油漆传感器(彩弹标记技术)
COPS Common Open Policy Service (updated OOPS, IP Highway) 公共开放策略服务(更新的OOPS、IP高速公路)
COPS Configuration Management On-Line Processing System 配置管理在线处理系统
COPS communications operational planning system (US DoD) 通信作战计划系统(美国国防部)
COPS Office of Community Oriented Policing Services 面向社区的警务服务办公室
COPS California Organization of Police and Sheriffs 加州警察和治安官组织
COPS Citizens on Patrol Society (community service) 公民巡逻协会(社区服务)
COPS Collaborative Peer-To-Peer Systems (workshop) 协作对等系统(研讨会)
COPS Central Organization of Police Specialists 警察专家中央组织
COPS Christians Obediently Preaching Salvation 基督徒顺从地宣扬救恩
COPS Citizens Organized for Public Service 为公共服务而组织的公民
COPS Career Occupational Preference System 职业职业偏好系统
COPS Capacity Optimization Planning System 容量优化规划系统
COPS Computerized Oncology Profile System 计算机肿瘤学档案系统
COPS Computerized Officer Planning System 计算机化的军官规划系统
COPS Community Oriented Policing Services 面向社区的警务服务
COPS Computerized Online Payment Service 计算机化在线支付服务
COPS Computer Oracle and Password System 计算机Oracle和密码系统
COPS Centres Offices Projects And School 中心办公室项目和学校
COPS Centralized Operations Police Suite 集中行动警察套房
COPS Central Office Payphone System (PTI) 中央局付费电话系统(PTI)
COPS Computer Output Processing Service 计算机输出处理服务
COPS Community Oriented Policing System 面向社区的警务系统
COPS Community Oriented Police Services 面向社区的警务服务
COPs colloid osmotic pressure of serum 血清胶体渗透压
COPS Create On-Line Procurement System 创建在线采购系统
COPS Community Outreach Police Station 社区外展警察局
COPS Concentrator Open Primary Server 集中器开放主服务器
COPS Community Oriented Policing Sign 面向社区的警务标志
COPS Common Operations Picture System 通用操作画面系统
COPS Catching Other People Succeeding 抓住成功的其他人
COPS Committee of Public Safety (band) 公共安全委员会(乐队)
COPS Customer Owned Property Storage 客户自有财产存储
COPS Courier Order Processing System 快递订单处理系统
COPS Catalog Order Processing System 目录订单处理系统
COPS Create On-Line Password System 创建在线密码系统
COPS Communication Planning Support 通信规划支持
COPS Committee On Physical Security 物理安全委员会
COPS Crystal Operated Paint Sensor 晶体操作油漆传感器
COPS Contingency Operations, Space 应急行动,空间
COPS Computer-Oriented Partial Sum 面向计算机的部分和
COPS Concerns Of Police Survivors 警察幸存者的担忧
CoPS Complex Products and Systems 复杂产品和系统
COPS Common Open Protocol Service 通用开放协议服务
COPS Common Open Policy Standard 公共开放政策标准
COPS Coalition of Parent Support 家长支持联盟
COPS Complex Photonic Systems 复杂光子系统
COPS Centre of Policy Studies 政策研究中心
COPS Coherent Patrol Sum 相干巡视和
COPS Chief of Operations 海军作战部长
COPS Cost Of Produced Sales 生产销售成本
COPS City of Plano Swimmers 普拉诺市游泳运动员
COPS Current Operations 当前操作
COPS Concerns of Police Survivors (support group for families of policemen killed on duty) 警察幸存者的担忧(支持因公殉职警察家属的小组)

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