
你是在查找 COT 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 COT 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 COT 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 COT的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
COT Container Off-Loading and Transfer System 集装箱卸载和转运系统
CoT Caverns of Time (World of Warcraft gaming) 时间洞穴(魔兽世界游戏)
COT Continually On-line Trained 持续在线培训
COT Center for Ocean Technology 海洋技术中心
COT Continuous Time of the Day 一天中的连续时间
COT Consecutive Overseas Tours 连续海外旅游
COT Computer Operator Terminal 计算机操作员终端
COT Computer Office Technology 计算机办公技术
COT Component Operability Test 组件可操作性测试
COT Clerical Office Technician 文书办公室技术员
COT Change of Trim (International Association of Drilling Contractors) 阀内件变更(国际钻井承包商协会)
COT Card or Tape (old term for computer storage media) 卡或磁带(计算机存储介质的旧术语)
COT Chief of Transportation (US Army, Ft Eustis, VA) 运输部长(美国陆军,弗吉尼亚州尤斯蒂斯堡)
COT College of Occupational Therapists (UK) 职业治疗师学院(英国)
COT Commissioned Officer Training course 委任军官培训课程
COT commanding officer of troops (US DoD) 部队指挥官(美国国防部)
COT Commercial Off-The-Shelf Technology 商用现货技术
COT Cooperative Occupational Training 合作职业培训
COT Customer-Originated Trace (Nortel) 客户发起跟踪(北电)
COT Contractor\'s Operations Trial 承包商的操作试验
COT Certified Ophthalmic Technician 认证眼科技师
COT Consolidated Operability Trial 统一适用性试验
COT crisis operations team (US DoD) 危机行动小组(美国国防部)
COT At the Coast (general aviation) 在海岸(通用航空)
COT Consolidated Operability Test 统一适用性试验
COT Commissioned Officer Training 委任军官培训
COT Carnitine Octanoyltransferase 肉碱八酰转移酶
COT Crossroads of Twilight (book) 黄昏的十字路口(书)
COT Cargo Only Tank (Oil Tankers) 货舱(油轮)
cot continuous oxygen therapy 持续氧治疗
COT Consecutive Overseas Tour 连续海外值勤
COT Commanding Officer Troops 指挥官部队
COT Central Office Technician 中央办公室技术员
COT Committee on Toxicity (UK) 毒性委员会(英国)
COT Class of Trade (marketing) 贸易类别(营销)
COT Customer Office Terminal 客户办公室终端
COT Commercial Off the Shelf 商用现货
COT Certificate of Transport 运输证书
COT Change of Trend (finance) 趋势变化(金融)
COT Counter Obstacle Team 反障碍小组
COT Commitment of Traders 贸易商承诺
COT Cause of Transmission 传输原因
cot committee on toxicology 毒理学委员会
CoT Completely Off Topic 完全脱离主题
COT Commercial Off-Topic 商业非主题
COT Coil-Out Temperature 线圈输出温度
COT Central Office Trunk 中央局干线
COT Cancer Osaka Thyroid 大阪甲状腺癌
COT Critical Operating Task 关键操作任务
COT Coin Operated Telephone 投币式电话
COT Carry Over Transactions 结转交易
CoT Cave of Trials (game) 审判洞穴(游戏)
COT Class of Traffic (ITU-T) 流量等级(ITU-T)
COT City of Tucson (Arizona) 图森市(亚利桑那州)
cot committee on trauma 创伤委员会
COT Central Office Terminal 局端机
COT Customer-Owned Tooling 客户拥有的工具
COT Current Operating Time 当前工作时间
COT Cadet Orientation Tour 往东方游历的军校学生
COT 1,3,5-cyclooctatrienyl 1,3,5-环辛四烯
COT Continuity Testing 连续性测试
cot critical off-time 临界关闭时间
COT Cyclooctatetraene 环辛四烯
COT Check-Out on Type 签出类型
CoT Cursor on Target 光标在目标上
COT Channel of Trade 贸易渠道
COT Change One Thing 改变一件事
COT Class Of Traffic 业务种类
COT Cult Of Tracker 追踪者邪教
COT Cost of Testing 测试成本
COT Circle Of Trust 信任圈
COT Circle Of Truth 真理之圈
COT Car of Tomorrow 明日之车
COT Cult Of Tiamat Tiamat邪教
COT Class Of Trade 行业类别
COT Center Of Town 市中心
COT Cave Of Trials 审判洞穴
COT Camping Device 露营设备
COT Class Of Trunk 中继类别
COT Cube Of Trees 树的立方体
COT Cat Over Temp Cat温度过高
cot cotia virus 科蒂亚病毒
COT Co-Tangent 共切线
cot cotangent 余切
cot cotinine 可替宁
COT Committee on Toxicity ... of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (of the Depart 食品、消费品和环境中化学品毒性委员会(卫生部)

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