
你是在查找 CST 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 CST 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 CST 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 CST的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
CST Critical Solution Temperature 临界溶解温度
CST Custom Sensors and Technologies (Moorpark, CA; unit of Schneider Electric) 定制传感器和技术(加利福尼亚州摩尔帕克;施耐德电气的单位)
CST Chemical Science and Technology Division (Los Alamos National Laboratory) 化学科学和技术部(洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室)
CST Combined Statistical and Technology (based MACT floor procedure) 统计与技术组合(基于MACT楼层程序)
CST Consolidated Service Test (IBM mainframes software management) 整合服务测试(IBM大型机软件管理)
CST Commission SupÉrieure Technique du CinÉma Française Commission SupÉrieure Technique du CinÉma Française
CST Chatrapati Sivaji Terminus (Mumbai, India railway station) 查特拉帕蒂·西瓦吉终点站(印度孟买火车站)
CST Common Operational Picture (COP) Synchronization Tools 通用作战图(COP)同步工具
CST Control for Stability and Traction (automotive system) 稳定性和牵引力控制(汽车系统)
CST Community Security Trust (Jewish defense group in UK) 社区安全信托基金会(英国犹太国防组织)
CST Computer Science Tripos (University of Cambridge) 计算机科学Tripos(剑桥大学)
CST Centre for Sustainable Transportation (Canada) 可持续交通中心(加拿大)
CST Crystal Station (Crystal City, Arlington, VA) 水晶站(弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿水晶城)
CST Canadian Society of Telehealtlh 加拿大远程医疗协会
CST COP (Common Operation Picture) Sync Tool COP(通用操作画面)同步工具
CST Campus Scientifique et Technique (France) 校园科学与技术(法国)
CST Council for Science and Technology (UK) 科学技术委员会(英国)
CST Clifton Scientific Trust (Bristol, UK) 克利夫顿科学信托基金会(英国布里斯托尔)
CST Construction Surveillance Technician 施工监督技术员
CST Canadian Society for Transplantation 加拿大移植学会
CST Centre Spatiale de Toulouse (French) 图卢兹空间中心(法语)
CST Contract Supplemental Tooling (NASA) 合同补充工具(NASA)
CST Competitively Sensitive Technology 竞争敏感技术
CST Chemical Society located in Taipei 位于台北的化学学会
CST Configuration and Service Tracker 配置和服务跟踪器
CST Combat Systems Targeting/Training 战斗系统靶向/培训
CST Center for Science and Technology 科学技术中心
CST Communications Support Team (USAF) 通信支持团队(USAF)
CST Chemical Surface Treatment (metal) 化学表面处理(金属)
CST Correctional Services Technician 惩教署技术员
CST Central Standard Time [ GMT - 0600] 中部标准时间[GMT-0600]
CST Computer Science and Technology 计算机科学与技术
CST Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan 加拿大奖学金信托计划
CST Combat Survival Training (USAFA) 战斗生存训练(USAFA)
CST Central Standard Time (GMT-0600) 中部标准时间(GMT-0600)
CST Countermeasures System Torpedo 反制系统鱼雷
CST Current Summary of the Threat 当前威胁概述
CST Cultural Section of the Trust 信托基金文化部
CST Consensus Service Termination 共识服务终止
CST Conventional Stability Talks 常规武器稳定性谈判
CST Computer Supported Telephony 计算机支持的电话
CST Computer Systems Technology 计算机系统技术
CST Computer Service Technician 计算机服务技术员
CST Coleman Software Technology 科尔曼软件技术
CST Certified Survey Technician 注册测量技术员
CST California Seller Of Travel 加州旅游卖家
CST Crew Station Trainer (ADATS) 乘员站培训师(ADATS)
CST Common Spanning Tree (Cisco) 通用生成树(Cisco)
CST Country Support Team (UNFPA) 国家支助小组(人口基金)
CST Combined Systems Test (NASA) 联合系统测试(NASA)
CST Cryptologic System Trainer 密码系统培训师
CST Concentrated Solar Thermal 集中太阳能热能
CST Command Specification Time 命令规范时间
CST Certified Security Trainer 认证安全培训师
CST Crew Systems Trainer (NASA) 乘员系统培训师(NASA)
CST Coolant System Thermostat 冷却系统恒温器
CST California Standard Tests 加州标准测试
CST Convulsive Shock Therapy 惊厥休克疗法
CST Competent to Stand Trial 有资格出庭受审
CST Curriculum Sharing Tool 课程共享工具
CST Confined Space Training 密闭空间培训
CST Condensate Storage Tank 冷凝液储罐
CST Combat Support Training 战斗支援训练
cst capillary suction time 毛细管抽吸时间
CST Craniosacral Therapist 颅骶部治疗师
CST Content Specialty Test 内容专业测试
CST Community Support Team 社区支持团队
CST Communications Subtest 通信子测试
CST Career Skills Training 职业技能培训
CST Canada Social Transfer 加拿大社会转移
CST CIM Systems Technology CIM系统技术
CST Constable (police/rank) 治安(警察排名)
CST Customer Service Team 客户服务团队
CST Connected Speech Test 连接语音测试
CST Comma Separated Table 逗号分隔表
CST Central Services Team 中央服务团队
CST Cell Saver Technician Cell Saver技术人员
CST Channel Status Table 通道状态表
CST Credit Shelter Trust 信贷庇护信托
CST Custom Source Tools 自定义源工具
CST Crisis Support Team 危机支持团队
CST Corticospinal Tract 皮质脊髓束
CST Coastal Survey Team 海岸测量队
CST Car System Training 汽车系统培训
CST Cable System Tester 电缆系统测试仪
CST Copious Spare Time 充足的业余时间
CST Constitution Party 宪法党
CST Central Sales Tax 中央销售税
CST Child Study Team 儿童研究小组
CST Call Setup Time 呼叫设置时间
CST Centistoke Centistocke公司
CST Central Sandinista de Trabajadores (Spanish: Sandinista Workers Central, Nicaragua) 中部桑地诺-德特拉巴贾多雷斯(西班牙语:尼加拉瓜中部桑地诺塔工人)
CST Common Specialist Training 普通专业训练
CST contraction stress test 宫缩应激试验
CST Central Standard Time (美國)中部標準時間
CSt Static Compliance 静态顺应性
CST Combined System Test 综合系统试验
CST Certified Somatic Therapist (Association of Massage Therapists and Bodyworkers) 注册躯体治疗师(按摩治疗师和健身工作者协会)
CST Centre de la SÉcuritÉ des TÉlÉcommunications (Canadian Communications Security Establishment) Centre de la SÉcuritÉ des TÉlÉcommunications (Canadian Communications Security Establishment)
cSt Centistokes 厘沱

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