
你是在查找 DOE 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 DOE 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 DOE 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 DOE的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
DOE Department of Electronics 电子系
DOE Determined on Employment 根据雇佣情况确定
DOE Diario Oficial de Extremadura (Extremadura, Spain) 埃斯特雷马杜拉政府公报(西班牙埃斯特雷马杜拉)
DOE Dishonest Outrageous Employees 不诚实的粗暴员工
DOE Depending On Experience (jobs & classified ads) 根据工作经验(和分类广告)
DOE Disributed Object Everywhere 到处分布对象
DOE Diffractive Optical Elements 衍射光学元件
DOE Department of Enforcement (securities) 执法部(证券)
DOE Dedicated Outbound Extension (Sprint) 专用出站分机(Sprint)
DOE Department of Ecology (Washington) 生态部(华盛顿)
DOE Distributed Objects Everywhere 全分布式对象
DOE Distributed Object Environment 分布式对象环境
DOE Departmental Operating Expense 部门运营费用
DOE Designated Operational Entity 指定运营实体
doe deoxyephedrine hydrochloride 脱氧麻黄碱盐酸盐
DOE Determination of Eligibility 资格的确定
DOE Dependant on Experience (UK) 取决于经验(英国)
DOE Disease Oriented Evidence 疾病导向证据
DOE Dictionary of Old English 古英语词典
DOE Department Of Engineering 工程系
DOE Decreased Oxygen Exchange 氧交换减少
DOE Department Of Energy (US) 美国能源部
DOE Date Of Enlistment (USAF) 入伍日期(美国空军)
DOE Dissolution Of Eternity 永恒的溶解
DOE Depending On Experience 取决于经验
DOE Department of Extension 推广部
DOE Department Of Education 教育部
DOE Difficulty On Exertion 锻炼时的困难
DOE Director of Education 教育总监
DOE Design of Experiences 体验设计
DOE Design Of Experiments 实验设计
DOE Description Of Effect 效果描述
DOE Depends On Experience 取决于经验
DOE Department Of Ecology 生态系
doe dyspnoea on exertion 用力呼吸困难
doe dyspnesa on exercise 运动障碍
DOE Design Of Experiment 实验设计
DOE Depth of Exploration 勘探深度
DOE Dividends on Equity 股本股息
DOE Date Of Examination 检查日期
DOE Date Of Entitlement 授权日期
DOE Direct Order Entry 直接订单输入
DOE Defenders Of Earth 地球卫士
DOE Date of Enrollment 注册日期
DOE Duke of Edinburgh 爱丁堡公爵
DOE Date of Execution 执行日期
DOE Daughters Of Eve 夏娃的女儿们
DOE Daughter Of Eve 夏娃的女儿
DOE Due-Out Exists 到期已存在
DOE Death On Exit 退出时死亡
DOE Date of Entry 入境日期
DOE Department Of Examinations 考试部
DOE Director of Engineering 工程总监
DOE Dyspnea On Exertion 运动时呼吸困难
DOE department of energy 能源部
DOE design of experience 制程验证

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