
你是在查找 ERP 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 ERP 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 ERP 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 ERP的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
ERP Ecosystem Restoration Program (California) 生态系统恢复计划(加利福尼亚州)
ERP Etablissement Recevant du Public (France) Etablissement Recevant du Public(法国)
ERP Electronic Road Pricing (Singapore roads) 电子道路定价(新加坡道路)
ERP Environmentally Responsible Procurement 对环境负责的采购
ERP Employment Related Practices (Insurance) 就业相关实践(保险)
ERP The Edmunds Reading Project 埃德蒙兹阅读项目
ERP European Recovery Programme 欧洲复苏计划
ERP Enforcement Response Policy 强制响应策略
ERP Electronic Research Process 电子研究过程
ERP Electronic Requirement Plan 电子需求计划
ERP Effective Refractory Period 有效不应期
ERP Ear Reference Point (ITU-T) 耳参考点(ITU-T)
ERP Evaluation des Risques Professionnels (France, Professional Risks Assessment) 专业风险评估(法国,专业风险评估)
ERP Equity Risk Premium (for company valuation models) 股权风险溢价(适用于公司估值模型)
ERP EjÉrcito Revolucionario del Pueblo (Argentina) EjÉrcito Revolucionario del Pueblo (Argentina)
ERP Exposure and Response Prevention (OCD treatment) 接触和反应预防(OCD治疗)
ERP Executive Readiness Program (formerly Pre-XD) 高管准备计划(前身为Pre-XD)
ERP European Recovery Program 欧洲复兴计划
ERP Essential Requirement For Productivity 生产力的基本要求
ERP Endoscopic Retrograde Pancreatography 内镜逆行胰管造影
ERP Emergency Residence Project (Ames, IA) 紧急住宅项目(艾姆斯,IA)
ERP Emerson Radio and Phonograph Company 艾默生广播和录音机公司
ERP Exposure Response And Prevention 接触反应和预防
ERP External Reference Point (Sprint) 外部参考点(Sprint)
erp endocardial resection procedure 心内膜切除术
ERP Employee Retention Program/Plan 程序/计划留住员工
ERP Electronic Registration Program 电子注册计划
ERP Expensive Redundant Processing 昂贵的冗余处理
ERP Environmental Restoration Plan 环境恢复计划
ERP Environmental Resource Program 环境资源计划
ERP Enterprise Resource Production 企业资源生产
ERP Enhanced Realistic Personality 增强现实主义人格
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源计划
ERP Event-Related Brain Potential 事件相关脑电位
ERP Environmental Results Program 环境成果计划
ERP Environmental Resource Permit 环境资源许可证
ERP Enterprise Requirement System 企业需求系统
ERP Engineering Resource Planning 工程资源规划
ERP Engineering Requirements Plan 工程需求计划
ERP Enhanced-Resolution Printing 增强分辨率打印
ERP Engineering Regulating Point 工程调节点
ERP Employment Reduction Process 就业减少流程
ERP Emitter, Receiver, Processor 发射器、接收器、处理器
ERP Emergency Response Procedure 应急响应程序
ERP Electronic Resource Planning 电子资源规划
ERP Effective Replacement Policy 有效的替代政策
ERP Event Related Potential (EEG) 事件相关电位(EEG)
ERP Enterprise Requirement Planning 企业需求计划
ERP Extensive Reading Program 泛读课程
ERP Expense Reduction Program 费用削减计划
ERP Executive Retirement Plan 高管退休计划
ERP Euler-Rodrigues Parameter Euler Rodrigues参数
ERP Estrogen Receptor Protein 雌激素受体蛋白
ERP Error Reduction Parameter 误差减少参数
ERP Equipment Reception Party 设备接收方
ERP Equipment Reception Point 设备接收点
ERP Enforcement Response Plan 执法响应计划
ERP Electronic Retail Payment 电子零售支付
ERP Earth Rotation Parameters 地球自转参数
ERP Early Racquet Preparation 早期Racquet准备
ERP Exterior Router Protocol 外部路由器协议
ERP Extended Range Pyrometer 扩展量程高温计
ERP Exchange Rate Protection 汇率保护
ERP Event Response Procedure 事件响应程序
ERP Event Releated Potential 事件相关潜力
ERP Event Related Potentials 事件相关电位
ERP Error Recovery Procedure 错误恢复程序
ERP Entity Reporting Process 实体报告流程
ERP Engagement Range Program 交战范围计划
ERP Emergency Room Physician 急诊室医生
ERP Early Receptor Potential 早期受体电位
erp equine rhinopneumonitis 马鼻肺炎
ERP Event Related Potential 事件相关潜力
ERP Enroute Reporting Point 途中报告点
ERP Emergency Response Plan 应急响应计划
ERP Electronic Road Pricing 电子道路定价
ERP Effective Rating Points 有效评分点
ERP Early Reduction Program 早期减少计划
ERP Emergency Recovery Plan 应急恢复计划
ERP Early Resource Planning 早期资源规划
ERP Exchange Rate Policies 汇率政策
ERP European Restoral Plan 欧洲恢复计划
ERP External Review Panel 外部审查小组
ERP Extended Refit Period 延长重新安装期
ERP Excellent Results Pay 优秀的结果薪酬
ERP Equipment Repair Part 设备维修部分
ERP End-Route Rally Point 终点站拉力赛
ERP Employee Review Panel 员工审核面板
ERP Emergency Ration Pack 应急口粮包
ERP Early Retirement Plan 提前退休计划
ERP Exact Route Position 精确路线位置
ERP Ever-Ready-Procedure Ever Ready程序
ERP Envelope Return Path 信封返回路径
ERP Everyday Rob People 每天抢人
ERP Equity Risk Premium 股权风险溢价
ERP Erotic Role Play 色情角色扮演
ERP Engine Room Pump 机舱泵
ERP estimated retail price 估计零售价
ERP Effective Radiated Power 有效辐射功率

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