
你是在查找 FAIR 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 FAIR 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 FAIR 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 FAIR的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
FAIR Forum for American Israeli Relations (University of Puget Sound) 美以关系论坛(普吉特湾大学)
FAIR Fast and Intertwined Regular (Lanes; traffic management) 快速和交织规则(车道;交通管理)
FAIR Federal Agriculture Improvement & Reform Act of 1996 联邦农业改良及改革法案》(1996年)
FAIR Finance Administration Intergovernmental Relations 财务管理与政府间关系
FAIR Fibreoptics Association for International Research 国际研究纤维光学协会
FAIR Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence Research 人工智能研究基础
FAIR Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights, Inc 学术和机构权利论坛
FAIR Flight Attendants For Independent Representation 独立代表的乘务员
FAIR Federation of Afro-Asian Insurers and Reinsurers 亚非保险公司和再保险公司联合会
FAIR Fairness and Accountability in Insurance Reform 保险改革中的公平与责任
FAIR Foundation for Apologetic Information & Research 基础研究及信息。歉疚
FAIR Federal Accountability Initiative for Reform 联邦改革问责制倡议
FAIR Frogs and International Rabbits (gaming clan) 青蛙和国际兔子(游戏家族)
FAIR Flexible, Achievable, Inclusive, Respectful 灵活、可实现、包容、尊重
FAIR Fairness in Asbestos Resolution Act of 2003 2003年石棉解决公平法案
FAIR First Association Of Independent Racers 第一届独立赛车手协会
FAIR Fighter, Attack, Intercept, Reconnaissance 战斗机、攻击、拦截、侦察
FAIR Federation for American Immigration Reform 美国移民改革联合会
FAIR Falsely Advertised, Ill-conceived Rhetoric 虚假广告、构思不良的修辞
FAIR First Article Inspection Report (aerospace) 首件检验报告(航空航天)
FAIR Families Acting for Innocent Relatives (UK) 为无辜亲属服务的家庭(英国)
FAIR Financial Accounting and Inventory Record 财务会计和库存记录
FAIR Family Advocacy And Information Resource 家庭宣传和信息资源
FAIR Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research 反质子和离子研究设施
FAIR Federal Activities Inventory Reform act 《联邦活动清单改革法案》
FAIR Floridians Against Inequities in Rates 佛罗里达人反对房价不公
FAIR Families Acting For Innocent Relatives 为无辜亲属服务的家庭
FAIR Freedom Athletic Inequities Response 自由运动不公平反应
FAIR Family Action Information And Rescue 家庭行动信息和救援
FAIR Federal Activities Inventory Reform 联邦活动清单改革
FAIR Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting 报告的公平性和准确性
FAIR Forum Against Islamophobia & Racism 对Islamophobia和种族主义。论坛
FAIR Families Against Immigrant Racism 反对移民种族主义的家庭
FAIR Facility Annual Inspection Report 设施年度检查报告
FAIR Fair Activities Inventory Reform 公平活动库存改革
FAIR Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting 公平和精确的报告
FAIR Fort Apache Indian Reservation 阿帕契堡印第安人保留地
FAIR Facts Are Irrelevant Really 事实无关紧要真的
FAIR Fair Access to Insurance Requirements (insurance for those unable to obtain property insurance elsew 公平获得保险要求(无法在其他地方获得财产保险的人的保险)
FAIR first article inspection report 初检报告

FAIR是什么意思 FAIR英文缩写大全 FAIR英文全称 FAIR中文意思