
你是在查找 FBI 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 FBI 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 FBI 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 FBI的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
FBI Frank\'s Breakfast Inn (fictional, Adventures In Odyssey) 弗兰克的早餐店(虚构,冒险的旅程)
FBI Fourier-Bros-Iagolnitzer transformation Fourier Bros-Iagolnitzer变换
FBI Fungi, Bacteria and Insects 真菌、细菌和昆虫
FBI Free Broadcast Incorporated 免费广播公司
FBI Fine Boundary Interpolation 精细边界插值
FBI Fender Bender International Fender Bender International公司
FBI Feeble Brained Incompetents 脆弱的大脑缺陷
FBI Federal Bureau of Intrusion 联邦入侵局
FBI Federal Bobcat Investigator 联邦山猫调查员
FBI Federal Bureau of Illusions 联邦幻觉局
FBI Federal Blonde Intelligance 联邦金发美女智能
FBI Future Basic Investigators 未来基础研究人员
FBI Fubu Bodywear Incorporated Fubu连体衣公司
FBI Forever Bothering Italians 永远困扰着意大利人
FBI Fools Bureau of Ineptitude 愚蠢无能局
FBI First Baltic International 第一波罗的海国际
FBI Flowers By Irene (Simpsons) 《花》作者:艾琳(辛普森一家)
FBI Feedback Information (3GPP) 反馈信息(3GPP)
FBI Ferrous Basic Integral (coating thickness gages on steel, ferrous substrates) 铁质基本积分(钢、铁质基底上的涂层测厚仪)
FBI Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity (motto, Federal Bureau of Investigation) 忠诚、勇敢、正直(座右铭,联邦调查局)
FBI Full Blooded Ilocano (Philippines from Big Island of Hawai\'i) 全血Ilocano(菲律宾从大岛上的夏威夷停留(胡))
FBI Fachbereich Informatik (German: department for computer science) Fachbereich Informatik(德语:计算机科学系)
FBI France Britain Ireland (band in Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland) 法国、英国、爱尔兰(爱尔兰都柏林剑乐队)
FBI Famous But Incompetent (common slang used by militia groups) 著名但无能(民兵组织常用的俚语)
FBI Food & Beverage Institute (Culinary Institute of America) 食物和饮料研究所(烹饪协会的美国)
FBI Federal Building Industries Company LLC (Dubai, UAE) 联邦建筑工业公司(阿联酋迪拜)
FBI Frontier Booking International (Hollywood, CA, USA) Frontier Booking International(美国加利福尼亚州好莱坞)
FBI Fenerbahce Incorporated (football team in Turkey) 费内巴切公司(土耳其足球队)
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation (US government) 联邦调查局(美国政府)
FBI Future Business Intercommunications Limited 未来商业通信有限公司
FBI Funny Business Incorporated (Danish website) Funny Business Incorporated(丹麦网站)
FBI Federation of British Industry (later C B I) 英国工业联合会(后来的C B I)
FBI Fabulous, Beautiful, and Intelligent 美妙、美丽、聪明
FBI Full Blooded Italians (pro wrestling) 满血意大利人(职业摔跤)
FBI Female Body Inspectors (gaming group) 女性身体检查员(游戏组)
FBI Force, Magnetic (B field), Current (I) 力、磁场(B场)、电流(I)
FBI Fungus, Bacteria, and Invertebrates 真菌、细菌和无脊椎动物
FBI Frequent Blunders and Incompetence 频繁的模糊和无能
FBI Force by Intelligence (gaming clan) 智能力量(游戏部落)
FBI Fungi, Bacteria, and Invertebrate 真菌、细菌和无脊椎动物
FBI Frequently Bungled Investigations 经常发生意外调查
FBI Federated Bastion of Independence 独立联邦堡垒
FBI Federal Bureau of Insubordination 联邦抗命局
fbi flossing brushing and irrigation 用牙线刷牙和冲洗
FBI Fine, Beautiful, and Intelligent 精致、美丽、智能
fbi Federation of British Industries 英国工业联合公会
FBI Fumbling Botched Investigations 模糊笨拙的调查
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation (美国)联邦调查局
FBI Forbidden Planet International 禁止星球国际
FBI Fingerprint Biometric Identity 指纹生物识别身份
FBI Federal Bureau of Intoxication 联邦中毒局
FBI Federal Bureau of Incompetence 联邦残障局
FBI Federal Bureau of Incineration 联邦焚烧局
FBI Funny, Beautiful, Intelligent 有趣、美丽、聪明
FBI Federal Bureau of Imagination 联邦想象局
FBI Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity 忠诚、勇敢、正直
FBI Federal Bureau of Ineptitude 联邦不公正局
FBI Fundamentalistic Bikers, Inc. Fundamentalistic Bikers公司。
FBI Friendly Bus Investigator 友好巴士调查员
FBI Fluidized Bed Incinerator 流化床焚烧炉
FBI Feeling Brutally Inclined 感觉粗暴倾斜
FBI Forbrukerinspektørene Forbrukerinspektørene
FBI Fully Broken and Injured 完全破碎和受伤
FBI Fully Blessed Individual 完全受祝福的个人
FBI Friendly Bot Interaction 友好的机器人交互
FBI Faith Being Investigated 信仰被调查
FBI Full Breasted Italian 全胸意大利语
FBI Full Blooded Italians 血腥的意大利人
FBI Friendly But Ignorant 友好但无知
FBI Female Body Inspector 女性身体检查员
FBI Farm Bureau Insurance 农业局保险
FBI Federal Bunk Inhalers 联邦Bunk吸入器
FBI Full Blooded Italian 全血意大利语
FBI Fish Based Interface 基于鱼类的界面
FBI File Based Inserting 基于文件的插入
FBI Fumbling Bumbling Idiot 笨手笨脚的笨蛋
FBI Fragged By Intelligence 智力受损
FBI Far Behind Intelligence 远远落后于智能
FBI Faith Based Initiatives 基于信念的倡议
FBI Full Blown Insanity 十足的疯狂
FBI Full Blooded Indian 满血印第安人
FBI Foliar Browse Index 对开浏览索引
FBI Feedback Inhibition 反馈抑制
FBI Friggin Bungling Idiot Friggin蹦极白痴
FBI Firm Believer in Islam 坚定的伊斯兰教信徒
FBI Famous But Incompetent 著名但无能
fbi fetal breathing index 胎儿呼吸指数
FBI Full Blooded Irish 满血爱尔兰人
FBI Food Borne Illness 食源性疾病
FBI Fat Bellied Inbred 脂肪Belled自交系
FBI Fantasy Based Idea 基于幻想的想法
FBI Fizz and Boog, Inc. 菲兹和博格公司。
FBI Farm Builders, Inc. Farm Builders公司。
FBI Found Beer Inside 发现里面有啤酒
FBI Fat Bloated Idiot 肥胖的白痴
FBI Fairly Bald Idiot 光秃的白痴
FBI Fiji Born Indian 斐济出生的印度人
FBI Finest Bar In .... 最好的酒吧。。。。
FBI From Big Island 来自大岛
FBI Feed Bag, Inc. 饲料袋公司。

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