
你是在查找 FCT 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 FCT 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 FCT 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 FCT的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
FCT Foreign Comparative Testing 国外比较测试
FCT Final Contract(or) Trial(s) 最终合同(或)试验
FCT Faculdade de CiÊncias e Tecnologia (Portuguese University) Faculdade de CiÊncias e Tecnologia (Portuguese University)
FCT Fraction of Commercial Power Supplied by Traditional Sources 传统电源提供的商业电力份额
FCT Fundação para a CiÊncia e a Tecnologia (Portugal) Fundação para a CiÊncia e a Tecnologia (Portugal)
FCT Fountainhead College of Technology (Knoxville, Tennessee) 喷泉头技术学院(田纳西州诺克斯维尔)
FCT Fellow of the Association of Corporate Treasurers 企业司库协会会员
FCT Fonds Commun de Titrisation (French: mutual fund) 产权公社基金会(法语:互惠基金)
FCT forwarding agent\'s certificate of transport 货运代理行领货证
FCT Fibrous Connective Tissue (pathology) 纤维结缔组织(病理学)
FCT Fundamentals of Computation Theory 计算理论基础
FCT Foundations of Computation Theory 计算理论基础
FCT Full Covariance Transform(ation) 全协方差变换
FCT Fixed Celullar Terminal 固定蜂窝终端
fct food and cosmetics toxicology 食品和化妆品毒理学
FCT Functional Certification Test 功能认证测试
FCT Fractional Component Thereof 其中的部分成分
FCT Florida Communities Trust 佛罗里达社区信托
FCT Flight Certification Test 飞行认证测试
FCT Federal Capital Territory 联邦首都地区
FCT Flux-Corrected Transport 通量校正传输
FCT Fast Cosine Transform 快速余弦变换
FCT File Control Table (CICS) 文件控制表(CICS)
fct fecal chymotrypsin test 粪糜蛋白酶试验
FCT Fuel Cell Technology 燃料电池技术
FCT Free Commercial Time 免费商业时间
FCT Frame Composition Table 框架组成表
FCT Forth Childrens Theatre 第四儿童剧院
FCT Fixed Cellular Terminal 固定蜂窝终端
FCT Future Capability Team 未来能力团队
FCT French Competency Test 法语能力测试
FCT Font Correlation Table 字体关联表
FCT Flip Chip Technologies 倒装芯片技术
FCT Firepower Control Team 火力控制小组
FCT File Control Table 文件控制表
FCT Fire Control Team 消防队
FCT File Compare Tool 文件比较工具
FCT Fast Cycle Time 快速循环时间
FCT Fundação para a CiÊncia e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation) Fundação para a CiÊncia e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation)
FCT Forecasting 预测
FCT forwarding agent's certificate of transport 货运代理行领货证

FCT是什么意思 FCT英文缩写大全 FCT英文全称 FCT中文意思