
你是在查找 GRACE 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 GRACE 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 GRACE 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 GRACE的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
GRACE Grieving Receiving And Accepting Christian Encouragement 接受和接受基督教的鼓励
GRACE Gravity Research And Climate Experiment 重力研究与气候实验
GRACE Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment 重力恢复与气候实验
GRACE Grapevine Relief And Community Exchange 葡萄藤救济和社区交流
GRACE God\'s Riches At Christ\'s Expense 上帝的财富在基督的费用
GRACE Golden Rescue And Community Excellence 黄金救援和社区卓越
GRACE God Reaching Awesome Children Everyday 每天都能接触到令人敬畏的孩子
GRACE Global Remote Access Control Equipment 全球远程访问控制设备
GRACE Giving Recreation A Christian Emphasis 将娱乐作为基督教的重点
GRACE Gravity Recovery and Climate Recovery 重力恢复和气候恢复
GRACE Glorious Realities As Christ Empowers 基督所赋予的荣耀现实
GRACE Group Routing and Charging Equipment (British Telecom equipment) 分组路由和计费设备(英国电信设备)
GRACE Graduate Robot Attending Conference (Carnegie Mellon University) 研究生机器人出席会议(卡耐基梅隆大学)
GRACE Gainesville Region/Alachua County Empowerment (Florida, USA) Alachua盖恩斯维尔地区,美国佛罗里达州权力(县)
GRACE Gang Retirement and Continuing Education and Employment 帮派退休、继续教育和就业
GRACE Graphing, Advanced Computation and Exploration of Data 图形化、高级计算和数据挖掘
GRACE Grounding Releasing Aligning Conversing And Enjoying 接地释放对齐对话和享受
GRACE Glenbogle Residents and Artisans Care and Expenses Glenbegle居民和工匠护理和费用
GRACE Green River Active Christian Encounter (Auburn, WA) 绿河活跃基督徒聚会(华盛顿州奥本)
GRACE Growth Resources Action And Community Empowerment 增长资源行动和社区赋权
GRACE Global Resource Action Center for the Environment 全球环境资源行动中心
GRACE Generic Reusable Ada Components for Engineering 工程通用可重用Ada组件
GRACE Greater Richmond Autism Coalition for Equality 大里士满自闭症促进平等联盟
GRACE Global Resource Adaptation Through CoopEration 通过合作实现全球资源适应
GRACE God\'s Righteousness At Christ\'s Expense 上帝的义在基督的费用
GRACE Grieving Reverence After Christ\'s Example 基督的例子后,悲伤的崇敬
GRACE GrassRoots Action Center for the Environment 基层环境行动中心
GRACE Group Resources And Christian Encouragement 团体资源与基督教鼓励
GRACE Ground and Atmospheric Clutter Evaluation 地面和大气杂波评估
GRACE Greatly Reduced Ascii Compatible Encoding 大幅减少Ascii兼容编码
GRACE Great Refreshing Arty Cheesy Entertaining 很棒的清爽艺术奶酪娱乐
GRACE Grace Rightly Applied Changes Everything Grace正确应用改变一切
GRACE Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events 急性冠状动脉事件全球登记
GRACE Greater Reston Arts Center Education 大莱斯顿艺术中心教育
GRACE Grass Roots Art and Community Effort 基层艺术与社区努力
GRACE Gods Riches At Christ\'s Expense 神在基督的财富
GRACE Great Runner And Creative Exceller 伟大的跑步者和创意卓越者
GRACE Graphical Ruler and Compass Editor 图形标尺和指南针编辑器
GRACE God Rescued And Chased Endians 上帝拯救和追捕了Endians
GRACE Gods Riches At Christ Expense 上帝的财富

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