
你是在查找 GRASP 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 GRASP 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 GRASP 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 GRASP的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
GRASP Graduate Research Association of Students in Pharmacy 药学研究生协会
GRASP Graduate Association of Students in Psychology 心理学研究生协会
GRASP Given Required Analysis Solution Paraphrase (problem solving strategy) 给定所需分析解决方案释义(问题解决策略)
GRASP GrassRoots Association for Student Power 基层学生力量协会
GRASP Global Resource Application Service Provider (Wheatley ASP solution) 全球资源应用程序服务提供商(Wheatley ASP解决方案)
GRASP Groningen Association for PhDStudents 格罗宁根博士生协会
GRASP Graphical Representations of Algorithms, Structures, and Processes 算法、结构和过程的图形表示
GRASP Graphical Representations Of Algorithms Structures And Processes 算法结构和过程的图形表示
GRASP Gastroenterology Research on Absorptive and Secretory Processes 吸收和分泌过程的胃肠病学研究
GRASP Graphical Representation and Analysis of Structural Properties 结构特性的图形表示和分析
GRASP Graphical Representation And Analysis Of Surface Properties 表面特性的图形表示和分析
GRASP Gravitational Radiation Analysis and Simulation Package 引力辐射分析和模拟包
GRASP Generic Search Algorithm for the Satisfiability Problem 可满足性问题的通用搜索算法
GRASP Group for Research and Analysis in Statistical Physics 统计物理研究与分析小组
GRASP Generalized Regression Analysis and Spatial Prediction 广义回归分析与空间预测
GRASP Gaining Retention and Achievement for Students Program 为学生计划获得保留和成就
GRASP Genetic Range-dependent Algorithm for Search Planning 搜索规划的遗传距离相关算法
GRASP General Robotics, Automation, Sensing and Perception 通用机器人、自动化、传感和感知
GRASP Graduate Retention in the Automotive Sector Project 汽车行业项目毕业生保留
GRASP General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns 一般责任分配软件模式
GRASP Guilford Response and Action for Safer Premises (UK) 吉尔福德回应和行动,以确保房屋安全(英国)
GRASP Gradient-Accelerated Spectroscopy (NMR spectroscopy) 梯度加速光谱学(NMR光谱学)
GRASP Animation (GRAphical System for Presentation format) 动画(演示格式的图形系统)
GRASP General Robotics Automation Sensing And Perception 通用机器人自动化传感和感知
GRASP Growth Recovery Advocacy And Support For Partners 对合作伙伴的增长复苏宣传和支持
GRASP Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership 全球和区域阿斯伯格综合征伙伴关系
GRASP Global Resonance Ascension for Spiritual Pioneers 精神先驱的全球共振提升
GRASP Guildford Response And Action For Safer Premises 吉尔福德回应和行动,以确保房屋安全
GRASP GOOS Regional Alliance for the Southeast Pacific 全球海洋观测系统东南太平洋区域联盟
GRASP Graduate Research Assistant Scholarship Program 研究生助理奖学金计划
GRASP Greater Resources for After School Programming 为课后编程提供更多资源
GRASP Governance Reform and Sustainable Partnerships 治理改革与可持续伙伴关系
GRASP General Robotics And Active Sensory Perception 通用机器人与主动感官感知
GRASP Guard Response Alternative Sentencing Program 警卫反应替代判刑程序
GRASP Graphical Reduction and Analysis SANS Program 图形化简化和分析SANS程序
GRASP GONG Reduction and Analysis Software Package GONG归约和分析软件包
GRASP general retrieval and sort processor (US DoD) 通用检索和分类处理器(美国国防部)
GRASP Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure 贪婪随机自适应搜索过程
GRASP Genomic Research on Atlantic Salmon Project 大西洋鲑计划基因组研究
GRASP Graphic Animation System for Professionals 专业图形动画系统
GRASP Generic Retrieve/Archive Services Protocol 通用检索档案服务协议
GRASP General Reflector Antenna Software Package 通用反射器天线软件包
GRASP Goals, Relationships and Successful Paths 目标、关系和成功之路
GRASP Generalized Retrieval and Storage Program 普通检索和存储计划
GRASP Guided Reading and Summarizing Procedure 引导阅读和总结程序
GRASP Grief Recovery After a Substance Passing 物质通过后的悲伤恢复
GRASP Glendale Recreation After School Program 格伦代尔课后娱乐项目
GRASP General RF Applications Software Package 通用射频应用软件包
GRASP Genetic Racing Ability & Stud Performance 比赛能力和螺基因的表现
GRASP Greater Atlanta Small Business Project 大亚特兰大小企业项目
GRASP Grass Roots Awards Sponsorship Program 草根奖赞助计划
GRASP Greece Residents Assisting Stray Pets 希腊居民帮助流浪宠物
GRASP Grasp Replaces A Sourceforge Project 掌握取代Sourceforge项目
GRASP Greenland Arctic Ocean Shelf Project 格陵兰北冰洋架项目
GRASP Grasp Analysis and Planning Research 掌握分析和规划研究
GRASP Grapple, Retrieve and Secure Payload 抓取、取回和保护有效载荷
GRASP Getting Results And Solving Problems 取得成果并解决问题
GRASP Gradual Aggregative Syntactic Praxis 渐进聚合句法练习
GRASP Group Risk Analysis Support Program 集团风险分析支持计划
GRASP Great Readers Are Successful People 伟大的读者是成功的人
GRASP Grid Application Service Provision 网格应用程序服务提供
GRASP Giving Rural Adult a Study Program 为农村成年人提供学习计划
GRASP Great Ape Standing and Personhood 伟大的猿站和人格
GRASP Graphical System for Presentation 演示图形系统
GRASP Give Rural Adults A Study Program 为农村成年人提供学习计划
GRASP Gammon Ranges Scientific Project Gammon Ranges科学项目
GRASP GRP1-Associated Scaffold Protein GRP1相关支架蛋白
GRASP Great Ape Survival Partnership 大猿生存伙伴关系
GRASP Great Apes Survival Programme 巨猿生存计划
GRASP God Revealed at St Paul\'s 上帝在圣保罗
GRASP Graduate School Applications 研究生院申请
GRASP Graduate Student Placement 研究生安置
GRASP Grasp Assessment System 掌握评估系统
GRASP Graphic Service Program 图像服务程序
GRASP Grid Assessment Probes 网格评估探针
GRASP General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns (applying UML and patterns) 通用责任分配软件模式(应用UML和模式)
GRASP Geologic Resource Assessment Program 地质资源评估计划
GRASP Great Apes Survival Project 巨猿生存项目
GRASP Groupe de Recherche sur les Aspects Sociaux de la SantÉ et de la PrÉvention (French: Health and Prev Groupe de Recherche sur les Aspects Sociaux de la SantÉ et de la PrÉvention (French: Health and Prevention Soc
GRASP Gang Reduction Aggressive Supervision Parole (New Jersey Parole Gang Supervision Program) 减少帮派攻击性监督假释(新泽西州假释帮派监督计划)
GRASP Groupe de Recherche et d\'Analyse SociÉtale en Psychologie Économique (French) Groupe de Recherche et d'Analyse SociÉtale en Psychologie Économique (French)

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