
你是在查找 LOA 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 LOA 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 LOA 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 LOA的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
LOA Looseness of Association 协会松散
LOA Low speed output Adapter 低速输出适配器
LOA Loyal Orange Association (Canadian fraternal organization) 忠诚橙色协会(加拿大兄弟组织)
LOA Logistics Operations Analysis (McHugh Software International) 物流运营分析(McHugh Software International)
LOA logistics over-the-shore (LOTS) operation area (US DoD) 岸上后勤(LOTS)作业区(美国国防部)
LOA Lands of Acheron (Neverwinter Nights game server) 阿克伦之地(无冬之夜游戏服务器)
LOA Leaf Over Axle (Motor Vehicle Suspension Design) 叶桥(机动车辆悬架设计)
LOA Loss of Alignment (SDH or Sonet Technology) 失准(SDH或Sonet技术)
LOA Loss of Attachment (periodontal disease) 附着丧失(牙周病)
LOA letter of offer and acceptance (US DoD) 要约和承诺书(美国国防部)
LOA Lysis of Adhesions (surgical procedure) 粘连溶解(外科手术)
LOA Left Occipito Anterior (fetal position) 左枕前(胎儿位置)
LOA Leif Ove Andsnes (classical pianist) Leif Ove Andsnes(古典钢琴家)
LOA Length Overall (boat specification) 总长度(船规格)
LOA Legion Of Apocalypse (hacker group) 天启军团(黑客团体)
LOA lodgment operational area (US DoD) 驻场作战区(美国国防部)
LOA Love of Animals, Inc (Visalia, CA) 动物之爱公司(加利福尼亚州维塞利亚)
LOA Limited Operational Availability 有限的运营可用性
LOA Location Avec Option D\'achat 选择'achat D ' etancheite位置
LOA Lorraine, Queensland, Australia 澳大利亚昆士兰州洛林
LOA Love on Arrival (Dan Seals song) 抵达时的爱(丹·海豹之歌)
LOA Linear Optical Amplifier (Genoa) 线性光学放大器(热那亚)
LOA Limited Operational Assessment 有限运营评估
LOA Letter Of Agreement/Acceptance 信的协议/承兑
LOA Losers of America (gaming clan) 美国的失败者(游戏家族)
LoA Lords of Arograth (online game) Arograth领主(在线游戏)
LOA Leadership Opportunity Awards 领导力机会奖
LOA Living Out Allowance (housing) 外出生活津贴(住房)
LoA Legacy of Assassins (PS3 clan) 刺客的遗产(PS3氏族)
LOA Ley OrgÁnica de la Armada Ley OrgÁnica de la Armada
LOA Loss of Aircraft (logistics) 飞机损失(物流)
LOA Library of Alexandria (game) 亚历山大图书馆(游戏)
LOA Legend of Ares (online game) 战神传奇(网络游戏)
LOA Limited Open Authorization 有限开放授权
LOA Light Observation Aircraft 光观测飞机
LOA Lead Operational Authority 首席运营主管
LOA Logistics Operations Area 物流作业区
loa leber\'s optic atrophy 利伯氏视神经萎缩
LOA Local Overseas Allowance 当地海外津贴
LOA Letter of Administration 行政管理书
LOA Legion Of The Apocalypse 启示录军团
LOA letter of assist (US DoD) 协助通知书(美国国防部)
LOA Lost Order Of Akalabeth Akalabeth订单丢失
LOA Link Occupancy Analysis 链路占用分析
LOA Luck of Aleia (emo band) Aleia的幸运(emo乐队)
LoA Legends of Aranna (game) 阿拉纳传奇(游戏)
LoA Lambs of Abortion (band) 流产羔羊(带)
LOA Letter of Admonishment 告诫书
LOA Letter Of Appreciation 感谢信
LOA Lease-Option Agreement 租赁期权协议
LOA List of Abbreviations 缩写词表
LOA Line Of Appropriation 拨款项目
LOA Letter of Abandonment 放弃通知书
LOA Length of Association 关联期限
LOA Left Occipitoanterior 左枕内侧
LOA League of Awesomeness 恐怖联盟
LOA Lower Open Auxiliary 下部打开辅助
LOA Light Off Assessment 启动评估
LOA Letters of Assurance 保证书
LOA Little Orphan Annie 小孤儿安妮
LOA Line of Affiliation 隶属关系行
LOA Level of Assessment 评估级别
LOA Lesbians Of America 美国女同性恋者
LOA Lords of Acid (band) 酸之王(乐队)
LOA Line of Accounting 会计科目
LOA Limit of Authority 权限限制
LOA Limit of Allowance 津贴限额
LOA Library of America 美国图书馆
LOA Level Of Authority 权限级别
LOA Letter of Approval 批准函
LOA Lead Out Advantage 领先优势
LOA Lube Oil Additive 润滑油添加剂
LOA Look Of Adoration 崇拜的样子
LOA Lights Of America 美国之光
LOA Level Of Activity 活动级别
LOA Letter Of Arrival 到货通知书
LOA Letter Of Apology 道歉信
LOA Law of Attraction 吸引力定律
LOA Late Onset Asthma 迟发性哮喘
LOA Lack of Attention 缺乏关注
LOA List Of Acronym(s) 缩写词列表
LOA Love One Another 彼此相爱
LOA Loss of Appetite 丧失食欲
LOA List Of Acronyms 首字母缩略词列表
LOA Limit of Advance 预付款限额
LOA Letter of Agency 委托书
LOA Leave Of Absence 请假
LOA League Of Angels 天使联盟
LOA Law of Averages 平均数定律
LOA Length OverAll 全部长度
LOA Love of Anime 动漫之恋
LOA Life Of Agony 痛苦的生活
LOA Last of All 最后一个
LOA Loss Of Alignment 帧失步
LOA Logistics Officers Association (formerly Maintenance Officers Association) 后勤人员协会(原维修人员协会)
LOA Letter of Agreement 协议书
LOA Letter of Authorization 委任狀
LOA left occipito anterior 枕左前
LOA Length Over All 全长

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