
你是在查找 NEAR 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 NEAR 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 NEAR 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 NEAR的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
NEAR National Emergency Alarm Repeater System 国家紧急警报转发站系统
NEAR National Energy Assistance Referral 国家能源援助转介
NEAR National Emergency Alarm Repeater 国家紧急警报转发站
NEAR Newly Emerging Areas of Research 新兴研究领域
NEAR No Engineering Action Required 无需工程措施
NEAR Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous 近地小行星交会
NEAR NorthEast Area Roundabouts 东北地区环岛
NEAR North East Access Radio 东北接入电台
NEAR Near East Asian Region 近东地区
NEAR Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (Spacecraft launched 17 February 1996 on a 3-year journey to Eros) 近地小行星交会(航天器于1996年2月17日发射,前往爱神星,为期3年)
NEAR Notification Events for Applications in Retail (ARTS standard for interprocess communication) 零售应用程序通知事件(用于进程间通信的ARTS标准)
NEAR Network Event Alert Reporting Network Event Alert Reporting 网络事件警报报告网络事件警报

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