
你是在查找 PHD 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 PHD 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 PHD 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 PHD的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
PHD Probability Hypothesis Density 概率假设密度
Phd Pathfinder Healthcare Developments (Smethwick, West Midlands, UK) 开拓者医疗保健发展(英国西米德兰兹省斯梅斯维克)
PHD Pulse Height Discrimination 脉(冲)(振)幅鉴别
PHD Process Hierarchy Diagram (business process modelling) 流程层次图(业务流程建模)
PhD Philosophiae Doctor (doctor of philosophy) 哲学博士(哲学博士)
PHD Port Hueneme Division (US Naval Surface Warfare Center) 休内梅港分部(美国海军水面作战中心)
PHD Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas 达拉斯长老会医院
PhD Pothole Dodger (driver on poorly maintained roads) Pothole Dodger(在维护不善的道路上驾驶)
PHD People Helping the Disabled (Edmonds, Washington) 帮助残疾人的人(华盛顿州埃德蒙兹)
PHD Plumbing Hardware Dispatcher (Google TiSP spoof) 管道硬件分派器(Google TiSP恶搞)
Phd Post Homicidal Depression (serial killers) 杀人后抑郁症(连环杀手)
PHD Personal Hemodialysis System (Aksys, Ltd.) 个人血液透析系统(Aksys,Ltd.)
PHD Patent Application Information Retrieval 专利申请信息检索
PHD Port Huron and Detroit Railroad Company 休伦港和底特律铁路公司
PHD Push Here Dummy (point & shoot cameras) 这里假(指推和射击相机)
PHD Passed High school with Difficulty 艰难地通过了高中
PHD Professional Hardware Diagnostics 专业硬件诊断
PHD Progress Harmony And Development 进步、和谐与发展
PHD Pisarenko Harmonic Decomposition Pisarenko谐波分解
PHD Punjab Haryana and Delhi (India) 旁遮普哈里亚纳邦和德里(印度)
PHD Plant Homeodomain (microbiology) 植物Homeodomain(微生物学)
PHD Programs For Human Development 人类发展计划
PHD Posturing, Hallucinating, Dead 姿势、幻觉、死亡
PHD Philippino Historical Dialogue 菲律宾历史对话
PHD Post Hole Digger (construction) 桩孔挖掘机(施工)
PHD Preach Hellfire and Damnation Preach地狱火与诅咒
PHD Physical, Healthy, and Driven 身体健康,精力充沛
PHD Phenomena in High Dimensions 高维现象
PHD Port Huron & Detroit Railroad Huron &活塞的铁路。港口
PHD Psycotic, Hyped, Delusional 精神病、催眠、幻觉
PHD Posts a Hundred times Daily 每天发布一百次
PHD Prolyl Hydroxylase (protein) 脯氨酰羟化酶(蛋白质)
PHD Poor Hungry And Determined 饥饿而坚定的穷人
PHD Parametric High Definition 参数化高清晰度
PHD Publicly Horrific Display 公开的恐怖展示
PHD Professional Hair Dresser 专业发型师
PHD Potentially Heavy Drinker 潜在重度饮酒者
PHD Personal Hygiene Disorder 个人卫生障碍
PHD Particularly Hard Dancing 特别难跳舞
phd potentially harmful drug 潜在有害药物
PHD Purveyor Of Hyped Drivel Hyped Drivel的供应商
PHD Pretty Handsome Domestic 漂亮漂亮的国内
PHD Permanently Head Damaged 永久性头部损坏
phd pulmonary heart disease 肺心病
PHD Public Highway Distance 公共公路距离
PHD Pretty Handsome Darling 漂亮的帅哥
PHD Preparing His Disciples 准备他的门徒
PHD Post Holiday Depression 节后抑郁症
PHD Positively Head Damaged 头部受损
PHD Physical Health Defined 身体健康定义
PHD Permanent Health Damage 永久健康损害
PHD Playa Hata\'s Degree Hata棱的程度
PHD Professional Help Desk 专业服务台
PHD Pete Hutchinson Design Pete Hutchinson设计
PHD Propitous Homely Dude 幸运的宅男
PHD Pretty Hokey Dialogue 漂亮的Hokey对话
PHD Pre-Historic Dinosaur 史前恐龙
PHD Pre-Hearing Detention 预审拘留
PHD Port Hueneme Division 休内梅港分部
PHD Please Hire Desperate 请雇佣Desperate
PHD Persons Having Dreams 有梦想的人
PHD Personal Health Diary 个人健康日记
PHD Permanent Head Damage 永久性头部损伤
PHD Permament Head Damage 永久性头部损伤
PHD Patented Hosel Design 专利软管设计
PHD Pacific Health Dialog 太平洋健康对话
PHD Pretty Holy Disciple 漂亮的神圣弟子
PHD Pretty Heavy Drinker 相当重的饮料
PHD Player Hating Degree 玩家仇恨程度
PHD Perky Happy Disciple 珀基快乐弟子
PHD Piled Higher & Deeper 高及更深。堆
PHD Portable Hard Drive 便携式硬盘
PHD Player Hater Degree 玩家仇恨程度
PHD Pizza Home Delivery 披萨送货上门
PHD Piled High And Deep 桩高且深
PHD Philosophiae Doctor 哲学博士
PHD Phased-History Data 阶段历史数据
PHD Partial Head Damage 部分头部损坏
PHD PolyHedra Database PolyHedra数据库
PHD Playa Hatin Degree Playa Hatin学位
PHD Pizza Hut Delivery 必胜客外卖
PHD Phase History Data 阶段历史数据
PHD Paltry Hunka Dough Paltry Hunka面团
PHD Pretty Heavy Dude 相当重的家伙
PHD Pretty Hard To Do 很难做到
PHD Press Here, Dummy 按这里,假人
PHD Post Hole Digging 钻孔后挖掘
PHD Push Here, Dummy 推到这里,笨蛋
PHD Pretty High Dude 好家伙
PHD Pretty Happy Dog 漂亮的快乐狗
PHD Power Hungry Dog 动力饥饿狗
PHD Post Hole Digger 桩孔挖掘机
PHD Perfect Hot Date 完美热恋日期
PHD Premium Hot Dog 高级热狗
PHD Perfect Hair-Do 完美发型
PHD Process Historian Database Process Historian数据库
PHD Portable Handheld Device 便携式手持设备
PHD PHase-shift Driver 相移激励器
PHD Patch Handle Bag 带手拎袋的袋子

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