
你是在查找 PIT 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 PIT 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 PIT 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 PIT的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
PIT Parti Ivorien des Travailleurs (French: Ivorian Worker\'s Party, Ivory Coast) Ivorien des Travailleurs(法语魁人党:科特迪瓦的工人,象牙海岸)
PIT Pittsburgh, PA, USA - Greater Pit International Airport (Airport Code) 美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡-大坑国际机场(机场代码)
PIT phase inversion tenperature 相反转温度
PIT Precision Immobilization Technique (police high-speed pursuit tactic) 精确固定技术(警察高速追击战术)
PIT Pursuit Intervention Technique (police high-speed pursuit tactic) 追捕干预技术(警察高速追击战术)
PIT Pittsburgh International Airport, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA 美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡匹兹堡国际机场
PIT Pepperdine Improv Troupe (Pepperdine University, California) 佩珀代因即兴剧团(加利福尼亚州佩珀代恩大学)
PIT Progressive Intensity Training (fitness) 渐进式强度训练(健身)
PIT Pennsylvania Institute of Technology (Media, Pennsylvania) 宾夕法尼亚理工学院(宾夕法尼亚州媒体)
PIT Independence and Labor Party (Senegal) 独立与工党(塞内加尔)
PIT Precision Intervention or Pursuit Intervention Technique 精确干预或追踪干预技术
PIT Part-Time/Intermittent/Temporary Employee 兼职/间歇/临时雇员
PIT Compressed Macintosh file archive (PackIt) 压缩Macintosh文件存档(PackIt)
PIT Production, Implementation, And Training 生产、实施和培训
PIT Procurement Incarceration And Treatment 采购处罚和处理
PIT Production Implementation And Training 生产实施和培训
PIT Pennsylvania Institute of Technology 宾夕法尼亚理工学院
PIT Pennsylvania Institute of Taxidermy 宾夕法尼亚州动物标本学研究所
PIT Precision Immobilization Technique 精密固定技术
PIT Patrol, Investigation, and Traffic 巡逻、调查和交通
PIT People For Interspecies Tolerance 种族间宽容的人
PIT Pituitary-Specific Transcription 垂体特异性转录
PIT Pittsburgh International Airport 匹兹堡国际机场
PIT Pressure Indicating Transmitter 压力指示变送器
PIT Platform Information Technology 平台信息技术
PIT Passive Injectable Transponders 无源可注入转发器
pit prolonged intermittent therapy 长期间歇性治疗
PIT Pursuit Intervention Technique 追踪干预技术
PIT Pyramide Internet Technologies Pyramide互联网技术
PIT Programmer Integration Testing 程序员集成测试
PIT Passive Integrated Transponder 无源集成转发器
PIT Power Integrity And Tolerance 电源完整性和容差
PIT Positive Information Topology 正信息拓扑
PIT Photometric Imaging Telescope 光度成像望远镜
PIT Programmable Interrupt Timer 可编程中断定时器
PIT Principal Interest And Taxes 本金利息和税款
PIT Personal Identification Tags 个人识别标签
PIT Progressive Income Tax(ation) 累进所得税
PIT Permit Improvement Team (EPA) 许可证改进小组(EPA)
PIT Programmable Interval Timer 可编程间隔计时器
pit pacing-induced tachycardia 起搏诱发心动过速
PIT Property Inventory Tasking 财产清单任务
PIT Personal Improvement Tools 个人改进工具
PIT Peach International Tennis 桃子国际网球
PIT Partners in Transformation 转型合作伙伴
PIT Principal, Interest, Taxes. 本金、利息、税款。
PIT Pulsed Inductive Thruster 脉冲感应推进器
PIT Product Improvement Tests 产品改进测试
PIT Processor Interface Table 处理器接口表
PIT Presbyterians In Training 培训中的长老会
PIT Police Induction Training 警察上岗培训
PIT Pilot Instructor Training 飞行员教员培训
PIT Photo Interpretation Tool 照片解释工具
PIT Personal Inventory Taking 个人盘点
pit perceived illness threat 感知疾病威胁
pit patellar inhibition test 髌骨抑制试验
PIT Project Integration Team 项目集成团队
PIT Product Integration Team 产品集成团队
PIT Process Improvement Team 流程改进团队
PIT Powered Industrial Truck 动力工业卡车
PIT Post Implementation Team 实施后团队
PIT Pilot Induced Turbulence 先导诱导湍流
PIT Pepperdine Improv Troupe 佩珀代因即兴剧团
PIT Pressure Integrity Test 压力完整性试验
PIT Pre-Integration Testing 集成前测试
PIT Potential Impacts Table 潜在影响表
pit plaque inhibition test 斑块抑制试验
PIT Product Insertion Trip 产品插入行程
PIT Post Installation Test 安装后测试
PIT Percussion In Training 训练中的敲击
PIT Prohibited Items Test 禁用项目测试
PIT Personnel In Training 培训人员
PIT Per Iter Tenebricosum 根据Iter Tenebricosum
pit plasma iron turnover 等离子铁周转
PIT Point In Time copies 时间点拷贝
PIT Platinum In Training 培训白金
PIT Prophet In Training 先知在训练
PIT Preintegrated Truss 预集成特拉斯
PIT Pittsburgh Steelers 匹兹堡钢人队
PIT Priest In Training 训练中的牧师
PIT Pilot In Training 飞行员培训
PIT Peanut Income Tax 花生所得税
PIT Persimmon IT, Inc. 柿子IT公司。
PIT Pray Invite Tell 祈祷邀请告诉
PIT Passport In Time 及时护照
PIT People In Touch 联系人
PIT Penis Is Tiny 阴茎很小
PIT Point-in-Time 时间点
PIT Policy Implementation Tools 策略实施工具
PIT Principal, Interest & Taxes 本金、利息和税
PIT Productivity Improvement Team 生产力提升小组
PIT Personal Income Tax 个人所得税
PIT Radioimmunotherapy 放射免疫治疗

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