
你是在查找 PPG 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 PPG 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 PPG 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 PPG的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
PPG Program Pulse Generator 程序脉冲发生器
PPG Pago Pago, American Samoa - International (Airport Code) 美属萨摩亚帕果帕果-国际(机场代码)
PPG Program Project Grant (funded research in academic medicine) 项目资助(学术医学资助研究)
PPG Production Pushrod Gas (class of motorcycle racing engine) 生产推杆气体(摩托车赛车发动机类)
PPG Public Participant Group (Virginia citizen group) 公众参与团体(弗吉尼亚公民团体)
PPG Points Per Game (basketball player statistic) 每场比赛得分(篮球运动员统计)
PPG Pacific Proving Grounds (Marshall Islands) 太平洋试验场(马绍尔群岛)
PPG Primary Physician Group (medical billing) 初级医师组(医疗账单)
ppg polymorphonuclear cells per glomerulus 每个肾小球多形核细胞
PPG Pages; reference on more than one page 页;多页参考
PPG Public and Publicly Guaranteed (bond) 公共和公共担保(债券)
PPG Performance Partnership Grant (EPA) 绩效伙伴关系补助(EPA)
PPG Premier Printing Group (Hong Kong) Premier Printing Group(中国香港)
PPG Public Participation Guidelines 公众参与指南
PPG Pinnacle Performance Group, Inc. Pinnacle Performance Group,Inc.公司。
PPG Public And Publicly Guaranteed 公共和公共担保
PPG Policy and Procedural Guidance 政策和程序指南
PPG Planning & Programming Guidance 计划和规划的指导
PPG Pharmaceutical Partners Group 制药合作伙伴集团
PPG Planned Parenthood of Georgia 格鲁吉亚计划生育
PPG Programmable Pulse Generator 可编程脉冲发生器
PPG Persistent Programming Group 持久编程组
PPG Planning Policy Guidance (UK) 规划政策指南(英国)
PPG Phased Plasma Gun (Babylon 5) 相位等离子枪(巴比伦5)
PPG People\'s Party of Guinea 人们的聚会的
PPG Pittsburgh Paints and Glass 匹兹堡涂料和玻璃
PPG Patient Participation Group 患者参与组
PPG Pittsburgh Paint and Glass 匹兹堡油漆和玻璃
PPG Personnel Processing Group 人员处理组
PPG proportionate poverty gap 比例贫困差距
PPG Protection Planning Group 保护规划组
PPG Planned Procurement Guide 计划采购指南
PPG Personnel Policy Guidance 人事政策指南
PPG Partial Product Generator 部分产品生成器
PPG Pago Pago, American Samoa 美属萨摩亚帕果帕果
PPG Portable Pulse Generator 便携式脉冲发生器
PPG Planning Policy Guidance 规划政策指南
PPG Power Play Goals (hockey) 力量赛进球(曲棍球)
ppg pretragal parotid gland 舌前腮腺
PPG Pulse Pattern Generator 脉冲模式发生器
PPG Physical Planning Group 物理规划组
PPG Program Planning Group 项目规划组
PPG Pittsburgh Plate Glass 匹兹堡平板玻璃
PPG Personal Program Guide 个人节目指南
PPG Primary Process Group 主要工艺组
PPG Poly-Propylene Glycol 聚丙二醇
PPG Phased Protoplasm Gun 阶段性等离子枪
PPG Palm Products Germany Palm Products德国
ppg photoplethysmography 光体积描记术
PPG Path Protection Group 路径保护组
PPG Postprandial glucose 餐后血糖
PPG Palm Product Germany 棕榈产品德国
PPG Powered Para Glider 动力伞滑翔机
PPG Portable Plasma Gun 便携式等离子枪
PPG Photoplethysmograph 光电体积描记器
PPG PPG Industries, Inc. PPG工业公司。
PPG Push Proxy Gateway 推送代理网关
PPG Pulsed Plasma Gun 脉冲等离子枪
PPG Phased Plasma Gun 相控等离子枪
PPG Peter P. Groumpos Peter P.Groumpos
PPG Power Puff Girls Power Puff女孩
PPG Power Play Goal 力量游戏目标
PPG Putt Putt Golf 推杆推杆高尔夫
PPG Picopicogram 皮微微图
PPG Personnel Priority Group 人员优先级组
PPG Perfect Products Group PPG工业公司
PPG Project Planning Group 项目规划组
PPG Pyro Pilot\'s Guild (game guild) 操焰者飞行员协会的(游戏协会)
PPG Pulses Per Gallon 每加仑脉冲数
PPG Polypropylene Glycol 聚丙二醇
PPG pounds per gallon 每加仑磅
PPG Points Per Game 场均得分

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