
你是在查找 REAL 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 REAL 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 REAL 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 REAL的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
REAL Respect, Equality, Awareness and Learning (University of Georgia debates) 尊重、平等、意识和学习(格鲁吉亚大学辩论)
REAL Rhymes Equal Actual Life (rapper KRS-One; circa 1990) 押韵等于实际生活(说唱歌手KRS One;约1990年)
REAL Recreation Excellence at Army Lakes (CELRN program) 陆军湖泊娱乐卓越(CELRN计划)
REAL Reading Enjoyment And Appreciation Of Literature 阅读享受与文学欣赏
REAL Relevance Efficiency Attitude And Learnability 关联效率态度与可学习性
REAL Respect Education Achievement And Leadership 尊重教育成就和领导力
REAL Respect Esteem Achievement And Leadership 尊重尊重成就和领导力
REAL Resources, Events, Agents, and Locations 资源、事件、代理和位置
REAL Reinvent Education And Advance Learning 重塑教育和超前学习
REAL Reflective Experiential Active Learning 反思性体验式主动学习
REAL Rural Economic Assistance League (Texas) 农村经济援助联盟(德克萨斯州)
REAL Remote Electronic Access for Libraries 图书馆的远程电子访问
REAL Respect, Equality, Attitude, And Love 尊重、平等、态度和爱
REAL Revenues Expenses Assets Liabilities 收入支出资产负债
REAL Rapid Experiential Applied Learning 快速体验式应用学习
REAL Revised European American Lymphoma 改良的欧美淋巴瘤
REAL Recreation Experiences And Leisure 娱乐体验和休闲
REAL Recreation Enrichment And Learning 娱乐丰富和学习
REAL Relevant Experience And Learning 相关经验和学习
REAL Reaching Educating And Learning 实现教育和学习
REAL Radical Extreme Athletes League 激进极限运动员联盟
REAL Reserve Education And Learning 储备教育和学习
REAL Real Estate Agents And Lawyers 房地产代理和律师
REAL Reach, Enrich, Act, And Learn 接触、丰富、行动和学习
REAL Rural Education And Literacy 农村教育与扫盲
REAL Reality Education About Life 关于生活的现实教育
REAL Rural Energy Advice Link 农村能源咨询链接
REAL Routine Economic Airlift 常规经济空运
REAL Respect Earned All Life 终生获得的尊重
REAL Real Education And Life 真实的教育与生活
REAL Reliability, Inc. 可靠性公司。

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