
你是在查找 SOAP 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 SOAP 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 SOAP 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 SOAP的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
SOAP Systems/Operations Analysis of Programs 系统分析的程序。/作业
SOAP Student Opportunity and Access Program 学生机会和访问计划
SOAP Storage Operand Attenuation Prevention 存储操作数衰减预防
SOAP Spine, Orthopedic and Pain 脊柱、骨科和疼痛
SOAP Seal Of Approved Packaging 批准包装的密封
SOAP Save Our Amazing Planting 拯救我们的神奇种植
SOAP Student Organization for Activity Planning (Salisbury State University) 学生活动规划组织(索尔兹伯里州立大学)
SOAP Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan (medical documentation format) 主观、客观、评估、计划(医疗文件格式)
SOAP Society of Airway Pioneers 航空先驱协会
SOAP Subjective Objective Action and Plan of treatment (Chiropractic) 主观客观行为和治疗计划(脊椎按摩)
SOAP Subjective, objective, assessment and plan (a progress note) 主观、客观、评估和计划(进度说明)
SOAP SIM Over the Air Programming (wireless telecommunications) SIM无线编程(无线电信)
SOAP Slaughterhouse Operators Association of the Philippines 菲律宾屠宰场经营者协会
SOAP Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology 产科麻醉和围产期学会
soap society for obstetric anesthesia and perinatolgy 产科麻醉和围产期学会
soap subjective data,objective data,assessment,plan 主观数据、客观数据、评估、计划
SOAP Scripture Observation Application And Prayer 圣经观察应用和祈祷
SOAP Systems for Oceanic Analysis and Prediction 海洋分析和预测系统
SOAP Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer 经文、观察、应用、祈祷
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol (XML protocol) 简单对象访问协议(XML协议)
SOAP Supertanker Operational Assessment Project 超级油轮运营评估项目
SOAP Student Organization for Animal Protection 动物保护学生组织
SOAP Supply Operations Assistance Program 供应运营援助计划
SOAP Subjective Objective Assessment Plan 主观客观评估计划
SOAP Students Organized Against Prejudice 反偏见学生组织
SOAP Sexual Offender Apprehension Program 性罪犯逮捕计划
SOAP Spectrographic Oil Analysis Program 光谱油分析程序
SOAP Students Organized Against Poverty 反贫困学生组织
SOAP Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program 光谱油分析程序
SOAP Society of Aerospace Professionals 航空航天专业人员协会
SOAP Society for Ottawa Anime Promotion 渥太华动漫推广协会
SOAP Small Operator Assistance Program 小型操作员援助计划
SOAP South Okanagan Advanced Projects 南Okanagan高级项目
SOAP Stamp Out Acronym Pronunciation 删除首字母缩略词发音
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol 简单对象访问协议
SOAP Stamp Out Acronyms, PLEASE! 请打印首字母缩写!
SOAP Secure Overlay Access Point 安全覆盖接入点
SOAP Seal of Approval Process 审批流程章
SoaP Snakes on A Plane (movie) 飞机上的蛇(电影)
SOAP State Of The Art Paper 最先进的纸张
SOAP Sons Of A Preacherman 传教士之子
SOAP Summary On A Page A页上的摘要
SOAP Snakes On A Plane 飞机上的蛇
SOAP Surrey, Inc. 萨里公司。
SOAP Satellite Orbit Analysis Program (standard program to analyze satellite orbits; MILSATCOM) 卫星轨道分析程序(分析卫星轨道的标准程序;MILSATCOM)
SOAP Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program (programming language for the IBM 650 computer in the late 1950\& 象征性的最佳的汇编程序(编程语言为IBM计算机最迟在1950年650 ?)
SOAP Same Opposite Always Positive (factoring sum and difference of two perfect cubes) 相同相反总是正的(分解两个完美立方体的和和差)

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