
你是在查找 STAT 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 STAT 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 STAT 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 STAT的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
STAT Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 信号转导和转录激活剂
STAT Standing Tall and Talented (nickname for basketball player Amare Stoudemire) 站得高,才华横溢(篮球运动员阿玛尔·斯塔德迈尔的绰号)
STAT Science and Technology Assistance Team 科学技术援助小组
STAT Science Teachers Association of Texas 德克萨斯州科学教师协会
STAT Superfund Technical Assessment Team 超级基金技术评估小组
STAT Space Telescope Astrometry Team 太空望远镜天体测量团队
STAT Security Test and Analysis Tool 安全测试和分析工具
STAT Security Threat Avoidance Technology (Harris Corporation) 安全威胁规避技术(哈里斯公司)
STAT Signal transducing activator of transcription 转录的信号转导活化蛋白质
STAT Statutes at Large (IRB) 普通法规(IRB)
STAT Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription 信号转导子和转录激活子
STAT Stratospheric Tracers of Atmospheric Transport 大气输送的平流层示踪剂
STAT Substance Testing Applications and Technology 物质检测应用和技术
STAT Speakers Today And Tomorrow Toastmasters Club 演讲人今天和明天演讲会俱乐部
STAT Stabilization, Treatment, And Transport 稳定、处理和运输
STAT Situation Triage and Assessment Team 情况分类和评估小组
STAT Security Threat Avoidance Technology 安全威胁规避技术
STAT Statim (Latin: Immediately [medical]) 他汀(拉丁语:立即[医疗])
STAT State Transition Analysis Technique 状态转换分析技术
STAT Small Transport Aircraft Technology 小型运输机技术
STAT Short Term Assessment and Treatment 短期评估和治疗
STAT Stop Teenage Addiction to Tobacco 停止青少年烟草成瘾
stat standard tube agglutination test 标准试管凝集试验
STAT Stafford Aquatic Team (swim team) 斯塔福德水产队(游泳队)
STAT United States Statutes at Large 美国联邦法律大全
STAT Student Teacher Assistance Team 学生教师援助团队
STAT Strategic Trade Alliance Target 战略贸易联盟目标
STAT Some Time After Tomorrow (humor) 后天(幽默)
stat suprathreshold adaptation test 阈上适应试验
STAT Students Today Alumni Tomorrow 今天的学生明天的校友
STAT Students Teaching Anti-Tobacco 教学生戒烟
STAT Scientist Teacher Action Teams 科学家教师行动小组
STAT Spokane Teens Against Tobacco 斯波坎青少年反对吸烟
STAT Summer Training Action Team 夏季培训行动小组
STAT Student Trial Advocacy Team 学生审判倡导团队
STAT Sooner Than Already There 早于现在
STAT Secure Timed Audit Trail 安全定时审计跟踪
STAT Statistical (mathematics) 统计学(数学)
STAT Slotted Tube Atom Trap 开槽管原子阱
STAT Short Turn-Around Time 周转时间短
STAT Sooner Than A Tool 早于工具
STAT Shake That Ass, Toots 抖一下屁股,图茨
STAT Immediately, At Once 立即,立即
STAT I Stat Corporation I Stat公司
STAT Statutes (legal) 法规(法律)
STAT Statistic(s) 统计信息
STAT Statistics 统计数字
STAT Photostat Photostat公司
STAT Status 地位
STAT Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique 亚历山大技术教师协会

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