
你是在查找 TIPS 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 TIPS 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 TIPS 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 TIPS的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
TIPS Turkish Institute for Police Studies (Denton, TX) 土耳其警察研究所(德克萨斯州丹顿)
TIPS Transferable Intermolecular Potential Function(s) 可转移分子间势函数
TIPS Transatlantic Industrial Proposed Solution (NATO) 跨大西洋工业拟议解决方案(北约)
TIPS Technical Information Processing System 技术情报处理系统
TIPS tactical optical surveillance system (TOSS) imagery processing system (US DoD) 战术光学监视系统(TOSS)图像处理系统(美国国防部)
TIPS Thinking Inquiry and Problem Solving (Ontario secondary school curriculum) 思考探究和问题解决(安大略省中学课程)
TIPS Talk, Inform, Predictable, Sensitivity (mnemonic for leadership traits) 谈话、告知、可预测、敏感(领导特质的助记符)
TIPS Telephone Information Professional Services (Peter Pan Bus Lines) 电话信息专业服务(彼得潘公交线路)
TIPS Telemetry Integrated Processing System (Western Spacelift Range) 遥测综合处理系统(西部航天发射场)
TIPS Targeted Invasive Plant Solutions (British Columbia, Canada) 针对性入侵植物解决方案(加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省)
TIPS Thought Information Plan Solution (solving math problems) 思维信息计划解决方案(解决数学问题)
TIPS Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (financial term) 财政部通胀保护证券(金融术语)
TIPS Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (medical) 经颈静脉肝门体分流术(医用)
TIPS Tobacco Information and Prevention Sourcepage (US CDC) 烟草信息和预防资料页(美国疾控中心)
TIPS Telescope and Instrument Performance Summary Meeting 望远镜和仪器性能总结会议
TIPS The International Preparatory School (Cleveland, OH) 国际预科学校(俄亥俄州克利夫兰)
TIPS Threat Image Projection System (aviation security) 威胁图像投影系统(航空安全)
TIPS Taxpayer Information Publications Service 纳税人信息发布服务
TIPS Totalitarian Informants and Pacifist Suppression 极权主义告密者与和平镇压
TIPS Telecommunications Information Processing System 电信信息处理系统
TIPS Transition Induction and Progression Strategies 过渡诱导和进步策略
TIPS Teleconference for Increasing Profits and Sales 提高利润和销售额的电话会议
TIPS Telephone Information Processing System 电话信息处理系统
TIPS Transjugular Intrahepatic Porto-Systemic shunt 经颈静脉肝内分流
TIPS Teaching Interaction Principles And Strategies 教学互动原则与策略
TIPS Tort and Trial Insurance Practice Section (law) 侵权和审判保险实务科(法律)
TIPS Transhepatic Intrajugular Portosystemic Shunt 经肝颈内静脉门体分流术
TIPS Targeted Implementation and Planning Supports 有针对性的实施和规划支持
TIPS Torrens Island Power Station (South Australia) 托伦斯岛电站(南澳大利亚)
TIPS Tennessee Infant Parent Services (Memphis, TN) 田纳西州婴儿家长服务(田纳西州孟菲斯)
TIPS Transportation Information Processing System 交通信息处理系统
TIPS Technology, Intelligence, Products, Services 技术、智能、产品、服务
TIPS Terrorism Information And Prevention System 恐怖主义信息和预防系统
TiPS Trends in Pharmacological Sciences (journal) 药理学趋势(期刊)
TIPS TAF Interactive Production System (EUMETNET) TAF交互式制作系统(EUMETNET)
TIPS Technique, Insight, Personality, and Speed 技术、洞察力、个性和速度
TIPS Tactical Intelligence Product Server (ASAS) 战术情报产品服务器(ASAS)
TIPS Transportation Improvement Program System 交通改善计划系统
TIPS Tobacco Information and Prevention Source 烟草信息和预防来源
TIPS Teamwork Improves Performance and Success 团队合作提高绩效和成功
TIPS Tailored Implementation & Planning Service 剪裁实现和规划服务
TIPS Transjugular Intrahepatic Porto Systemic 经颈静脉肝内系统性波尔图
TIPS Thailand-Indonesia-Philippines-Singapore 泰国印度尼西亚菲律宾新加坡
TIPS Technique Intelligence Personality Speed 技术智力人格速度
TIPS Tactical Intelligence Programming System 战术情报编程系统
TIPS Treasury Inflation Protected Securities 财政部通胀保护证券
TIPS Terrorism Information Protection System 恐怖主义信息保护系统
TIPS Telemetry Information Processing System 遥测信息处理系统
TIPS Tactical Intelligence Processing System 战术情报处理系统
TIPS Traumatic Injury Prevention Strategies 创伤预防策略
TIPS Teaching In The Psychological Sciences 心理科学教学
TIPS Teachers Involve Parents in Schoolwork 教师让家长参与学校作业
TIPS Tactical Information Processing System 战术信息处理系统
TIPS Typhoon Information Processing System 台风信息处理系统
TIPS Technique, Insight, Psyche, and Speed 技术、洞察力、心理和速度
TIPS Training Information Planning Support 培训信息规划支持
TIPS Tactical Imagery Processing Subsystem 战术图像处理子系统
TIPS Tax Information Phone Service (Canada) 税务信息电话服务(加拿大)
TIPS ThermoEnergy Integrated Power System 热能集成电力系统
TIPS Teens In Public Service (Seattle, WA) 青少年公共服务(华盛顿州西雅图)
TIPS Trunk Inventory Provisioning System 行李箱库存供应系统
TIPS Truvision Image Processing Software Truvision图像处理软件
TIPS Training Information Profile Status 培训信息配置文件状态
TIPS Theory of Inventive Problem Solving 创造性问题解决理论
TIPS Teaching Improvement Project System 教学改进项目系统
TIPS The Incidental and Pertinent Stuff 附带的和相关的东西
TIPS Theater Integrated Planning System 战区综合规划系统
TIPS Tennessee Improving Patient Safety 田纳西州改善患者安全
TIPS Tourist Information Phone Service 旅游咨询电话服务
TIPS The Initiative Press and Seminars 倡议新闻和研讨会
TIPS Tufts Interns Preparing Students 塔夫茨实习生准备学生
TIPS Transition Issues and Procedures 过渡问题和程序
TIPS Tactical Imagery Processing Set 战术图像处理设备
TIPS Trim Integration Product Suite Trim集成产品套件
TIPS Thermal Impulse Printer System 热脉冲打印机系统
TIPS Telephone Interpreting Service 电话口译服务
TIPS Teaching In Pentecostal School 在五旬节学校教学
TiPS Technology in Primary Schools 小学技术
TIPS Tax Information Phone Service 税务信息电话服务
TIPS Tutorials In Problem Solving 问题解决教程
TIPs Trends, Issues, and Problems 趋势、问题和问题
TIPS Together In Promoting Sales 共同促进销售
TIPS The Inevitable Police State 不可避免的警察国家
TIPS Themes Intention Plan Steps 主题意图计划步骤
TIPS Tikosyn In Pharmacy System Tikosyn制药系统
TIPS To Insure Proper Service 确保正确的服务
TIPS To Insure Prompt Service 确保及时服务
TIPS To Insure Polite Service 确保礼貌服务
TIPS Test Item Pool Service 测试项池服务
TIPS Training for Intervention Procedures by Servers of Alcohol (restaurants/bars alcohol abuse preventio 培训程序由服务器的干预酒精(餐厅/酒吧酒精滥用预防)
TIPS Tummy Time, Infant equipment, Positioning, Start day one (preventing flat head in infants) 翻滚时间,婴儿设备,定位,第一天开始(防止婴儿平头)
TIPS Thermal Image Processing System (mobile infrared data collection and analysis facility) 热图像处理系统(移动红外数据采集和分析设施)
TIPS TAVOP (Total Asset Visibility Operational Prototype) Intransit Processing Station TAVOP(总资产可见性操作原型)在途处理站
TIPS Tactical Infrared Projection System 战术红外投影系统
TIPS Text Information Processing System 文本信息处理系统
TIPS Terrorism Information and Prevention System (Operation TIPS; operated by U.S. Department of Justice) 恐怖主义信息和预防系统(TIPS行动;由美国司法部运营)
TIPS Traffic Information Planning System (Illinois State Police for Radio Codes; Incident Disposition) 交通信息规划系统(伊利诺伊州警察局无线电代码;事故处理)
TIPS TAV (Total Asset Visibility) ITV (Intransit Visibility) Processing Station TAV(总资产可见性)ITV(在途可见性)处理站
TIPS UN Technological Information Promotion System 联合国技术信息促进系统
TIPs Tonoplast Integral Proteins 液泡膜水通道蛋白

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