
你是在查找 TRS 缩写是什么意思吗? 在下面列表您可以看到 TRS 缩写的不同意思。 如果需要详细了解你所查找对应缩写的含义,可以点击下面列表中右侧的链接查看不同的详细定义。要查看 TRS 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下翻看。


下表中看到是 TRS的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
TRS Top-Ranking Sentences (information access) 排名靠前的句子(信息访问)
TRS Technical Requirements Statements (Sprint) 技术要求声明(Sprint)
TRS Transverse Rupture Strength 横向断裂强度
TRS Transportable Relay Station 可移动中继站
TRS Thermal Radiation Simulator 热辐射模拟器
TRS The Rape Squad (gaming clan) 强奸小队(游戏部落)
TRS Texas Racing Scene (website) 德克萨斯州赛车现场(网站)
TRS Executable file (Micrografx) 可执行文件(Micrografx)
trs tuberculosis record system 结核病记录系统
TRS Travel Recommender Systems 旅行推荐系统
TRS Transcript Research System 成绩单研究系统
TRS Training Resource Strategy 培训资源策略
TRS Time Resolved Spectroscopy 时间分辨光谱学
TRS Teachers Retirement System 教师退休制度
TRS Taoist Restoration Society 道教修复协会
TRS Taux de Rendement SynthÉtique (French: Overall Equipment Effectiveness) Taux de Rendement SynthÉtique (French: Overall Equipment Effectiveness)
TRS Technical/Maintenance, Overhaul and Repair Standard 技术/维修、大修及修复的标准
TRS Trieste, Italy - Ronchi Dei Legionari (Airport Code) 意大利的里雅斯特-Ronchi Dei Legionari(机场代码)
TRS Total Risk Score (myocardial infarction patients) 总风险评分(心肌梗死患者)
TRS Tough Rubber Sheathed (cables used in lighting) 坚韧橡胶护套(照明用电缆)
TRS TRICARE Reserve Select (US DoD healthcare plan) TRICARE储备选择(美国国防部医疗计划)
TRS Terrain Response System (automotive system) 全地形反馈适应系统(汽车系统)
TRS The Red Shoes (Cornwall, England band) 红鞋(英国康沃尔乐队)
TRS Telecommunications Relay Service (FCC) 电信中继服务(FCC)
TRS Technical Requirements Specification 技术要求规范
TRS Terminology Reference System (US EPA) 术语参考系统(US EPA)
TRS Tandy-Radio Shack (Tandy Corporation) Tandy Radio Shack(Tandy Corporation)
TRS Training, Readiness, and Simulation 培训、准备和模拟
TRS Trumpton Riot Squad (UK gaming clan) Trumpton Riot Squad(英国游戏部落)
TRS Toxicology Regulatory Services, Inc. 毒理学监管服务公司。
TRS Tip, Ring, Sleeve (phone connector) 尖端、环、套筒(电话接口)
trs tumor-related radicular syndrome 肿瘤相关神经根综合征
TRS Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron 战术侦察中队
TRS Trouble Reporting System (Sprint) 故障报告系统(Sprint)
TRS Travel Related Services (company) 旅行相关服务(公司)
TRS Tourist Refund Scheme (Australia) 旅游退款计划(澳大利亚)
TRS Telangana Rashtra Samithi (India) Telangana Rashtra Samiti(印度)
TRS Trainz Railroad Simulator (game) Trainz铁路模拟器(游戏)
TRS The Rice School (Houston, Texas) 赖斯学校(德克萨斯州休斯顿)
TRS Technology Reference Study (ESA) 技术参考研究(ESA)
trs test requirement specification 测试要求规范
TRS Transportation Railway Service 运输铁路服务
TRS Testicular Regression Syndrome 睾丸退化综合征
TRS Tactical Reconnaissance System 战术侦察系统
TRS Airtran Airlines (airline code) Airtran Airlines(航空公司代码)
TRS Tetrahedral Research Satellite 四面体研究卫星
TRS Transmission Repeater Station 传输中继站
TRS Tracking and Reporting System 跟踪和报告系统
TRS ThalesRaytheonSystems Company 泰雷兹雷神系统公司
TRS Tysnes Roleplaying Syndicate Tysnes角色扮演辛迪加
TRS Transaction Reporting System 交易报告系统
TRS Total Return to Shareholders 股东总回报
TRS Topocentric Reference System 以地形为中心的参考系统
trs tubuloreticular structure 管状结构
TRS Trade Registration System 商业登记系统
TRS Technical Repair Standard 技术维修标准
TRS Teacher Retirement System 教师退休制度
TRS Target Recognition System 目标识别系统
TRS terminal receiving system 港外待运仓收货制度
trs tumour-reductive surgery 肿瘤缩小手术
TRS Thermal Reflector System 热反射器系统
TRS Thermal Radiation Source 热辐射源
TRS Tactical Receive Segment 战术接收段
trs total reduced sulfur 总还原硫
TRS Timing Reference Signal 定时参考信号
TRS The Registration System 注册系统
TRS Temperature Ratio Scale 温度比刻度
TRS Telephone Relay Service 电话中继服务
TRS Technical Research Ship 技术研究船
TRS Technical Report Server 技术报告服务器
TRS Technical Report Series 技术报告系列
TRS Taxable REIT Subsidiary 应税REIT子公司
TRS Tubular Round Slings 管状圆形吊索
TRS Trunked Radio System 集群无线电系统
TRS Threaded Rod Support 螺纹杆支架
TRS Tax Reporting System 纳税申报制度
TRS The Rocket Summer (band) 火箭之夏(乐队)
TRS Term Rewrite System 术语重写系统
TRS Traffic Routing System 交通路线系统
TRS Threat Response System 威胁响应系统
TRS Thermal Residue Stress 热残余应力
TRS Temporary Roof Support 临时屋顶支撑
TRS Task Requirement Sheet 任务要求表
trs total reducing sugars 总还原糖
TRS Trunk Radio System 行李箱收音机系统
TRS Time Reference Signal 时间参考信号
TRS Term Rewriting System 术语重写系统
TRS Tactile Ring Signaler 触觉环信号器
TrS traumatic surgery 创伤外科
TRS Total Remote Site 远程站点总数
TRS Total Return Swap 总回报互换
TRS This Really Sucks 这真的很糟糕
TRS Test Record Sheet 测试记录表
TRS Tandy Radio Shack 坦迪无线电小屋
TRS Tip Ring Sleeve 尖环套筒
TRS Transpose 转置
TRS Technical Rate-of-Substitution (aka marginal rate of technical substitution, MRTS) 技术替代率(又名技术替代边际率,MRTS)

TRS是什么意思 TRS英文缩写大全 TRS英文全称 TRS中文意思